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B&N to launch PubIt! Pro

Mike Cane dug up a new trademark filing yesterday. It was filed by Barnes & Noble’s holding company, Fission Inc (they hold all of B&N’s trademarks).

As you can guess from the name PubIt! Pro build on the existing PubIt! service. Here’s what the trademark covers:

promoting the works of authors through the distribution of printed or other promotional materials,


providing a website featuring information about books, e-books, and related topics, including book reviews and author interviews

I’d say that is pretty clearly a premium service. And given that they use the word "promoting", odds are this is going to be  paid service.


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Liz May 10, 2011 um 1:54 pm

Yeah, but considering the catastrophe that is Amazon’s Author Central, it may be worth the money.

Doug May 10, 2011 um 4:50 pm

I wonder if it will include customer (author/publisher) support, which is something that the current PubIt! doesn’t offer.

M.P. McDonald May 10, 2011 um 9:06 pm

Maybe this is something to compete with Amazon’s Encore?

Dragon May 11, 2011 um 12:09 am

Hmmm looks very similar to the publix logo. In todays climate of sue everyone over everything could be interesting….

B&N register new trademark for “MyNook” | The Digital Reader May 11, 2011 um 10:30 pm

[…] only a day after the Pubit Pro trademark, Barnes & Noble filed for a new trademark which just showed up today. Here’s what it […]

Peter May 12, 2011 um 10:04 pm

I really hope it’s a POD service using an espresso-style instant printer.

It seems like a no-brainer- Barnes and Noble has stores, you have self-publishing authors- why not make the pubit works available to people that don’t have nooks? Especially because Amazon wouldn’t be able to copy.

But to be honest, nothing in the above statements really hints at that- except the mention of printed material.

Nate Hoffelder May 12, 2011 um 10:13 pm

An in-store POD would be cool, yes.

B&N Pubit! Pro is up and running | The Digital Reader May 25, 2011 um 6:28 am

[…] 25th, 2011 by Nate Hoffelder · No Comments · ebookstore news // A few weeks ago I posted about a trademark filed by Barnes & Noble, PubIt! Pro.At the time I didn’t know anything about the new […]

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