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Carson’s and Trump’s Books Shelved in the Humor Section at B&N

Someone may be having a little too much fun this campaign season year.

Last night a Barnes & Noble customer tweeted a photo which showed books by presidential candidates Donald Trump and Ben Carson having been shelved in the humor section at a Barnes & Noble store in Miami:

barnes noble humor section trump carson

The two books are Trump’s Crippled America, and Carson’s A More Perfect Union. Other works on the same shelf are the humor books Hillary Clinton Haiku: Her Rise to Power, Syllable by Syllable, Pantsuit by Pantsuit and WTF?College.

It’s not clear who moved the books, but the most likely possibility is that someone (the original source, or perhaps a B&N employee?) is having a little bit of fun.

On second thought, this likely wasn’t a B&N employee; they would have been more thorough, gathered more titles from both ends of the spectrum, and shelved them in the correct alphabetical order.

In any case, this is not the first time we’ve seen a book reshelved either as a joke or as a literary commentary on the book or the topic. Here are a few others:

Just about the only one I would think is clever is the mystery section; the rest are stale jokes (or in the case of Twilight, an actual error by a B&N employee).

The Daily Caller

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Bridget McKenna December 29, 2015 um 1:15 pm

When I managed bookstores, we used to sometimes practice creative shelving, like a book on the Bermuda Triangle in Travel/Caribbean. This sly joke would not have been at all beyond my crew.

CJJ December 29, 2015 um 2:38 pm

All books by politicians belong in True Crime.

Nate Hoffelder December 29, 2015 um 2:49 pm

LOL I think we can all agree on that.

Smoley December 29, 2015 um 8:30 pm

So I would find Hillary’s book in the Horror aisle?

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