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eReader, eBook Sales are up in Germany

The Frankfurt Book Fair is coming up next week and it looks like there’s going to good news to share about the German ereader market.

BITKOM, a German IT trade group, has just released their estimates for ereader sales in Germany. They’re expecting to see over 800,000 units sold in 2012, more than triple (334%) the estimated sales in 2011. The sales value is believed to be more than last year (obviously), with an increase of 163% to 78 million euros.

Interesting how the sales volume doesn’t match the unit volume, isn’t it? That’s because Germany is seeing the same drop in retail prices which is being experienced in the US. Prices are being drive down by the introduction of cheap LCD based ereaders and tablets as well as cheaper and smaller ereaders like the Trekstor Pyrus Mini, which has a 4.3″ screen, or the 6″ Pyrus, which retails for 59 euros. The average price for an ereader in Germany is currently 97 euros, or down about a quarter from last year.

The German ebook market is also expected to grow significantly this year and the next, with 1.4 million units expected to be sold in 2013, an increase of 78%. The total sales volume will lag slightly behind, growing by only 65% to 128.5 million euros.

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THE E-BOOK IN GERMANY. DAS E-BOOK IN DEUTSCHLAND. | Whither the Book January 9, 2013 um 8:29 pm

[…] available in the Börsenblatt, Der Spiegel, and Buchreport, among other publications.” Also, The Digital Reader reported on October 12, 2012 […]

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