Infographic: The Future of Books (Print vs Digital)
The following infographic was created by someone who still thinks that print and digital books are in an elimination battle which can have only one survivor.
That is a little 2012 for my tastes, but this infographic is entertaining nonetheless.
carmen webster buxton August 28, 2016 um 7:37 pm
I missed this when I first came out. I notice this doesn’t mention print on demand. I think if POD technology gets cheap enough, it could have an impact on keeping print going. Otherwise, I think what might happen is print becomes the medium for new books and best sellers and ebooks are for back list.
As a self published author, I’d like to thank publishers for jacking up the prices of their ebooks and letting me compete.
E-book Integration in Academic and Public Libraries – Matt's TWC 301 Blog April 14, 2017 um 4:50 am
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