Kindle Fire – Can You Grill It?
If you’re familiar with Blendtec’s "will it blend" series of viral commercials then you might be interested on this clip. Over the past few weeks Pork Barrel BBQ has been posting their own version of the Will it Blend videos. This company makes BBQ sauce, so it shouldn’t surprise you to find out that they set the devices on hot grill and watch them catch fire.
And today they grilled the Kindle Fire.
You can watch the video if you like, but I didn’t find it all that entertaining. The video as a whole is boring, which is a surprise considering the fact I like the blender ones. Perhaps the difference is with the blender I get to watch little bits fly off, while in this video the KF just lay there as it combusted.
Richard Herley May 17, 2012 um 2:14 pm
The blender ones are good too when the smoke starts … then the heap of crud he tips out on the bench!
iPad 3: Will it Freeze? – The Digital Reader May 22, 2012 um 1:59 pm
[…] Not anymore, I’d say.Still, it’s a neat video.We’ve seen the iPad blended, the Kindle Fire grilled, and now we get to see the iPad chilled. The best part, IMO, is when they break it out of the block […]
There’s No App For That: Textbook Fire Burns Down Frat House – AppNewser May 23, 2012 um 3:46 pm
[…] I’ve seen what happens. It’s not pretty: […]