Kobo Glo HD Out of Stock, Discontinued
Kobo confused us all when they announced the Aura edition 2 a couple months back. That ereader cost $10 less than the Kobo Glo HD and came with a much lower resolution screen, leaving many wondering why anyone would want to buy it when they could spend $10 more and get an ereader twice as good.
Now I think we know. There’s been no announcement from Kobo, but it looks like they have discontinued the $129 Kobo Glo HD.
The ereader is out of stock on the US version of Kobo.com, and lesen.net reports that the ereader is also out of stock on Kobo’s site in Germany. WHSmith, Kobo’s UK bookstore partner, is also reporting that the Glo HD is out of stock.
Don’t look now, but Kobo has apparently discontinued this ereader.
Originally launched last April, the Kobo Glo HD features a 300 ppi Carta E-ink screen with frontlight and IR touchscreen. It was briefly the best mid-range ereader on the market, right up until a few weeks later when Amazon released the new Kindle Paperwhite (it too had a 300 ppi Carta E-ink screen).
I wasn’t too happy with the Glo HD when I reviewed it last May; it felt cheap and slow. But I would still prefer it to its replacement, the $119 Aura edition 2.
That ereader has essentially the same electronics as the Glo HD, but comes in a nicer shell and it has a lower resolution 212 ppi display (1024 x 758 screen resolution).
That lower resolution screen significantly reduces the material cost of the Aura edition 2, making it a more profitable ereader for Kobo while at the same time making it less appealing to this blogger.
If you want a 6″ Kobo ereader, you should get a Glo HD if you get the chance. It is definitely the better 6″ ereader.
Andy September 27, 2016 um 6:03 pm
Hi, below is a clip from a question I asked Kobo yesterday which confirms your thoughts:
"Thank you for contacting Rakuten Kobo Customer Care. My name is Alvaro. Before we get started, for verification purposes can you confirm your first and last name along with the email address for your Kobo account?
[email protected]: I don’t have a Kobo account – I just wanted to know if the Kobo Glo HD has been discontinued as I was about to buy one
Alvaro: Yes it has been, i’m sorry to say.
Alvaro: Is there anything else I can do for you?"
Nate Hoffelder September 27, 2016 um 6:15 pm
Heh, I’m surprised you got a straight answer out of them.
Thanks for the confirmation!
Amber September 27, 2016 um 10:27 pm
I was actually considering getting one of these for my mum, but they seemed so cheap and flimsy (the physical part). I think I’ll get her a Paperwhite instead.
Am September 28, 2016 um 3:27 am
I could find it at some internet Japanese stores.
But I wonder to get Glo HD or Paperwhite 3? Is paperwhite more durable?
Should I avoid kobo cause it’s discontinued?
Nate Hoffelder September 28, 2016 um 7:41 am
TBH my recommendation is to get the Aura h2O instead of the Glo HD; the bigger screen is the better value.
You can find refurbs cheap on Ebay.
Sergegobli September 28, 2016 um 9:56 am
Remember custom fonts are a pain to install on the Paperwhite, but came pre-installed on the Kobo. This puts me off. If you want a heavier/bolder font to read on (and I do), I don’t recommend the Paperwhite. The higher-def screen is IMO no big deal. I barely see the difference. But the Paperwhite is easier to use without any messing about, but it is more limited. I don’t think it is anymore durable.
Bob Tudley September 29, 2016 um 9:07 am
I’ve read ebooks on my iPad, my Kobo Touch, and my Kobo Arc. They all had weaknesses as a primary ereader. Bought a Kobo Glo HD and I love it. Maybe I should see if I can find a couple more as backups.