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Kobo Never Had Plans for Ebook Lending

An article broke over the weekend about one of Kobo’s supposed plans. According to an unreliable source, Kobo had an ebook lending program in the works. It was reportedly going to work much like the ones offered by Amazon and B&N. This program was supposedly called off after the Rakuten buyout; Kobo wanted to focus on other features.

As neat as this may be, I don’t think it ever happened. I now have 2 denials from various people at Kobo. One had no idea what that article is talking about and the other explicitly denied all details in the story.

Mark Leslie Lefebvre, the Director of Self-Publishing & Author Relations at Kobo, had no idea where this rumor came from. It didn’t sound like any Kobo program he’d heard of.

I read the story about an hour ago and if I was a cartoon character you’d likely have seen giant question marks floating above my head. I have no idea where the heck the info came from.

The explicit denial came  from Ashleigh Gardner, the Director of Content Management at Kobo. She denied all parts of the story. According to her, it wasn’t even partially true. I would say that is pretty conclusive, wouldn’t you?

The head of Kobo’s self-pub program and the head of content management should have at least heard of the supposed program.  Since one has not, and the other denies the story, I don’t think there’s any truth to it.

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Kobo legt eigenes eBook-Leih-Programm auf Eis [Update] | eBook-Fieber February 14, 2012 um 11:36 am

[…] – dann abonniere den eBook-Fieber RSS feed.Powered by WP Greet Box WordPress Plugin[Update] Laut Nate von The Digital Reader hat Kobo nie an einem eigenen eBook-Leihprogramm gearbeitet. Ashleigh Gardner, Director of Content […]

Mike Cane February 14, 2012 um 12:30 pm

Unreliable source indeed!

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