New Hack Enables Fast Refresh Mode on Nook Touch (Video)
Mike Cane turned up the following video on Youtube, and it’s going to blow your mind. A hacker over at the XDA forums has figured out a way to enable a fast refresh mode on the Nook Touch.
The image at right isn’t a video error, nor is it display bug. The Nook Touch is refreshing so fast that half the screen is left behind.
It’s so fast that you have to see it to believe it.
If you ask me, that is faster than the Sony trick I showed you a month ago. It’s even faster than anything that Bookeen has shown us.
What’s even more amazing is that you’re looking at a standard hacked Nook Touch. Anyone with a hacked NT can install the code that makes it possible. You can download the install file over at XDA forums.
You know, we’re almost at the point where you can watch video on a hacked Nook Touch. I cannot wait to see it.
Hack Makes Nook Touch E-Ink Display Almost As Responsive As LCD | TechCrunch February 22, 2012 um 5:31 pm
[…] The Digital Reader] Tags: e-readers, nook Sponsored […]
charlie dulin February 22, 2012 um 8:49 pm
its a nice hack. but im extremely annoyed at Tech Crunch’s cover of your article. they’re gushing as if no one has ever done scrolling on an eink device before. its been done for at least 2 years first by NExt Papyrus and now by Bookeen. I agree there are TIMES that this looks faster than bookeen but most of the time it doesnt. IT just annoys me that there are companies out there doign stuff NOW on shipping devices and they wont say boo about them but will write about a hack on this one because its "nook"
Gertjan February 23, 2012 um 3:39 am
Nice hack indeed, but although the video does not show very clearly, the hack turns the display into pure black/white. Texts loose anti-aliasing and images are useless. Still an interesting proof of concept.
johnnydfred February 23, 2012 um 9:47 pm
See? This is why I steer way clear of e-readers with this kind of display. Even at the blistering speeds of this hack, the quality of the navigation just plain sucks. I would go back to reading real books if this was the only other option. I know, opinions vary, but….gaaaagchtldjf!
retrowriter February 24, 2012 um 9:37 am
you have to watch it until he turns ON the hack…
Nook Touch Hacked to Offer Fast Refresh – GizmoCrave February 24, 2012 um 6:13 am
[…] installing the files, just watch the video to check the refreshing speeds of the hacked Nook Touch. Don’t forget to tell us how your Nook Touch works after the […]
Refreshing news! E-ink is improving. « E-reading, virtual worlds and HCI February 28, 2012 um 2:05 pm
[…] before it, e-ink‘s full potential has yet to be realised. Nate Hoffelder reports on a hack of Barnes and Noble’s Nook Touch ereader that dramatically increases its refresh rate [video […]
More Videos Playing on E-ink – The Digital Reader March 1, 2012 um 6:27 pm
[…] Hoffelder · 4 Comments · hardware newsCan’t get enough of yesterday’s Nook Touch fast refresh news? Well, here’s another clip of video playing on E-ink.Mike Cane dug this one out of his […]
Nook Touch Running Adobe Flash 9 – The Digital Reader March 20, 2012 um 9:52 am
[…] If you thought it was cool to see the Nook Touch with a fast refresh and then see it play video, you’re going to get a kick out of this video.Here’s a proof […]
MultiTouch on a Hacked Nook Touch – The Digital Reader April 6, 2012 um 9:05 am
[…] The Nook Touch can refresh the screen nearly fast as LCD screens and it can play video, but it wasn’t until last week that it got the ability to support […]