PlayStation Gaming on a Nook Touch (video)
The Nook Touch might be over a year old now, but thanks to the combination of Android OS, a decent hardware design, and an enthusiastic development community it is still the best 6″ E-ink Android tablet on the market (in spite of the lack of sound).
Actually I’d call it the only 6″ E-ink Android tablet, because while the Kindle Touch can be turned into a decent tablet type device it runs a proprietary version of Linux, making it a little hard to develop apps. And the Sony Reader T1, while it looks very pretty, is limited by the amount of space to install Android apps.
Today’s video shows a hacked Nook Touch running a PS1 emulator app. It’s likely also running the fast refresh hack as well as other hacks.
BTW, if you’re not impressed yet by the Nook Touch, watch this video. It shows the NT playing video at 20fps or higher. While the resolution isn’t all that great and there’s no sound, this is still an impressive accomplishment considering the Nook Touch was never intended to play video. This and most of the other great new abilities were added via software hacking, and that just goes to show the original hardware design was brilliant.
via Hackaday
cookie September 1, 2012 um 11:39 am
Providing a single English language dictionary makes it the crappiest ebook reader on the market in my opinion. And the ability to root and sideload apps on it is totally overrated, and adds little value to the average reader who would rather use their smartphone or tablet for running apps.
Mike Cane September 1, 2012 um 1:52 pm
The average reader isn’t everybody. What do you think accounted for all those NookColor sales? It wasn’t readers. It was rooters.
cookie September 1, 2012 um 3:17 pm
Fair point. I appreciate the value of rooting LCD devices, especially when Google Market is not provided, or you need root access for certain apps. I just don’t with e-ink devices.
However, if I had a E-ink device that I could boot from a SD card to load a custom rom, then I would certainly have the card in the slot, for those rare times I needed to check email, or whatever, and I didn’t have a smartphone or tablet with me.
flyingtoastr September 2, 2012 um 5:37 pm
You’re way overestimating the size of the rooting community. The people who bought NOOK Colors were indeed, primarily, readers.
Mike Cane September 1, 2012 um 1:51 pm
Bah! There’s my problem. Searching for "Nook Touch" and not "Nook Simple Touch." Feh
Thomas September 1, 2012 um 6:37 pm
That’s amazing. When I was looking at buying my first e-reader, one reason I went with a tablet with an LCD screen was because I thought that e-ink devices were slow to re-draw the page. I never imagined that you could run video on one.
PlayStation Games am Nook Simple Touch eReader spielen [Video] | eBook-Fieber September 4, 2012 um 4:59 am
[…] The Digital Reader […]
namekuseijin September 4, 2012 um 6:50 am
how many minutes would the battery endure playing videos like that?
at 20fps I imagine it’d be like 20 page turns per second and thus, say, 11000/20 = 550 seconds / 60 = about 9 minutes?
Nate Hoffelder September 4, 2012 um 9:53 am
It would last for several hours.