Amazon Sent Me a 76 Cent Credit From the Apple eBook Price-Fixing Settlement – How Should I Spend It?
Amazon is sending out emails this morning with the news that ebook buyers are getting another ebook antitrust settlement payment. the money comes from the fine Apple paid as a result of its role in the conspiracy to raise and fix ebook prices in early 2010.
Much to my surprise, I got $0.76.
If you bought a big 5 ebook between 1 April 2010 and 21 May 2012, you might be getting this email.
If you didn’t get the email and think that was a mistake, you can check Amazon to see if you have a credit.
The credit will need to be spent by 20 April 2018.
You now have a credit of $x.xx in your Amazon account. Apple Inc. (Apple) funded this credit to settle antitrust lawsuits brought by State Attorneys General and Class Plaintiffs about the price of electronic books (eBooks). This new credit is in addition to any previous credit you received from the settlement.
You do not have to do anything to claim your credit. We have already added it to your Amazon account. We will automatically apply your available credit to your next purchase of qualifying items through, an Amazon device, or an Amazon app. The credit applied to your purchase will appear as a gift card in your order summary and in your account history.
In order to spend your credit, please visit the Kindle bookstore or Your credit is valid for six months and will expire on April 20, 2018, by order of the Court. If you have not used it, we will remind you of your credit before it expires.
If you have any questions about your credit, please visit
Thank you for being a Kindle customer.
The Amazon Kindle Team
Maria (BearMountainBooks) October 18, 2017 um 12:51 pm
Sorry, you just missed Tracking Magic at 99 cents. Hey, wait! I blogged a good non-fiction book that is on sale for 99 cents. Behind the Scenes, or Thirty Years a Slave, Four Years in the White House. There’s also a romance book (The Professor and the Bootlegger) that I blogged and reviewed on sale for 99 cents. You’ll have to dig in the couch cushions for any tax and the 23 cents…oh wait. There’s also a fantasy book for 99 cents. There you go. That covers all the genres!!!
Nate Hoffelder October 18, 2017 um 12:57 pm
Syn October 18, 2017 um 1:21 pm
That beats the .38 cents I got. I switched pretty much to indie authors around that time and mostly still read indie authors. Big 5 did me a favor.
Michael Anderson October 18, 2017 um 2:22 pm
Maybe if we all pool our $0.76 we can buy … um, a coffee or something?
Carmen Webster Buxton October 18, 2017 um 3:58 pm
I got $16.92! I already spent it on Tom Hanks' new book of short stories, which I had previously wish-listed because I can count on the fingers of one hand the authors for whom I will pay more than $10 for their ebooks. I usually wait for the price to drop but I guess this one is on Apple and the Big 5.
Jan October 18, 2017 um 4:03 pm
I got $4.76. I can buy four new Megapacks and have 52 cents leftover. What fun!
Nate Hoffelder October 18, 2017 um 5:35 pm
whoohoo! You’re in the moneyed class now!
Chris October 18, 2017 um 7:58 pm
$2.48 here. Kinda low, but at the time frame this covers I really wasn’t reading much. Didn’t really start again until I got the newly released Paperwhite in 2015. Since then though it’s been nonstop, and I’d love to see what kind of rebate I’d get nowadays!
Chris Meadows October 18, 2017 um 9:42 pm
The money’s not quite finished coming. B&N starts disbursing its chunk of the credit tomorrow.
Elaine October 19, 2017 um 7:08 am
I hit the megabucks – $39.58 !!
Mary October 19, 2017 um 9:29 am
I win, so far, $46.72. This is the gift that keeps on giving!
Barnes & Noble Now Redistributing Unused Credits From the eBook Antitrust Settlement | The Digital Reader October 19, 2017 um 10:29 am
[…] isn't the only ebook retailer sending out credits for the ebook antitrust settlement this week; Barnes & Noble has also announced that it is […]
Steve H. October 19, 2017 um 3:37 pm
I lose…84.63…I bought way to many books back then….However yesterday’s credits were a pleasant surprise. Used all those credits on books I was waiting to drop in price.
Chuck Freiman October 20, 2017 um 10:42 am
You one percenters flaunting your wealth make me sick. I didn’t get diddly, nada, zero, zilch!
Kobo is Issuing New Credits From the eBook Antitrust Settlement | The Digital Reader October 23, 2017 um 12:45 pm
[…] have heard from a few readers, and now Dear Author has confirmed, that Kobo has joined Amazon and Barnes & Noble in redistributing unused credits from the ebook antitrust […]