eBooks Now 7% of Book Sales in the Netherlands
It looks like Amazon may have launched a Dutch Kindle Store just in time for it to take off.
New data from the market research firm GfK shows that ebook sales accounted for 7% of the consumer market in the Netherlands in the third quarter of this year, with 1 in 7 fiction titles sold as an ebook. That’s up from an estimated 4.7% of sales in the 12 months ending July 2014.
GfK also reported that paper book sales continued to decline last quarter, with overall sales down 14%. Children’s books and nonfiction titles, however, did better. The total estimated sales of books in the third quarter amounted to 108 million euros, down 8.9% from a year earlier, with 8.5 million books sold.
With several regional competitors and multiple international bookstores present, the Dutch ebook market is far more competitive than its small size might justify. In addition to iBooks, Google, and the recently launched Kindle Store, Kobo and its partner bol.com are the leading ebook retailer, with Tolino and its partner, the bookseller coop Libris, rounding out the top 5 most visible competitors in that market.
image by Luke,Ma
Die bunte Bücherwelt: Ehlings Wochenblick (47/2014) | Holger Ehling Worldwide Blog November 21, 2014 um 9:54 am
[…] noch einmal fast 100 Prozent ergeben wird, wage ich füglichst anzuzweifeln. Anders sieht es in den Niederlanden aus: Dort kommen wir im dritten Quartal auf 7 Prozent Elektro-Anteil, nach nicht ganz 5 Prozent in […]