Hackers Now Targeting Author Accounts on Createspace
If you have an account on Createspace then you might want to change your password – and while you’re at it, double check your payment details.
There has been no public discussion yet, but I have read multiple independent reports in several closed Facebook groups from authors who say that someone hacked their CS account.
Many of the reports go something like this:
We got an email from Createspace last night that our payment info had been changed. Fortunately, CreateSpace notifies you if this happens. I fixed the info and changed my password ASAP.
Today’s lesson: Don’t ignore messages like that from CreateSpace. They could be important.
It’s not clear at this time that Createspace has been hacked, and judging by the low number of reports I would say that is unlikely. (There are only a handful of reports, not hundreds or thousands.)
This hack is most likely the result of a hacker piling up all the passwords and emails from other security breaches, and then using them to try to access accounts on Createspace en masse. Most of the passwords won’t work, but if one does then the hacker immediately changes the payment details.
To reiterate: If you have an account on Createspace then you might want to change your password – and while you’re at it, double check your payment details.
While Createspace automatically sends out emails when those details are changed, you do not want to take the chance that the email they sent you got lost. You also don’t want to take the chance that the hacker can access your account today, and is biding their time while waiting for a better opportunity.
Go change your password today, and make sure it is both long enough that it’s hard to guess and easy to remember.
image by The Preiser Project
[Download] Blogs for Self-Publishers, April 14 – 20, 2018 | Free eBooks PDF April 22, 2018 um 3:08 am
[…] Hoffelder on The Digital ReaderHackers Now Targeting Author Accounts on Createspace“If you have an account on Createspace then you might want to change your password – and while […]
Mary McDonald April 22, 2018 um 12:56 pm
I saw this article today after another author had linked it. I checked my email for a notice. Nothing. Not an hour later, I was hacked! Crazy! Thank you and the other person who linked it. I was able to immediately change my info back and my remittance that was sent last week had my name and info, so hopefully, I averted losing my payment.
Readers can’t Digest-Week 181 (18-April to 24-April) | April 23, 2018 um 5:32 pm
[…] 2. Hackers Now Targeting Author Accounts on Createspace […]
Createspace hackers, copyright and other writing links | Fraser Sherman's Blog April 26, 2018 um 5:03 am
[…] Hackers are now targeting author accounts on Createspace. […]
Amy Lynn Hess June 8, 2018 um 7:05 am
This has happened to me twice in a month. Changing passwords didn’t work, so there is some deeper issue – and CS is not helpful.
Jody I Rein June 21, 2018 um 6:28 pm
June 21, on the phone w CreateSpace. I was hacked as well. Hacker name on new bank account is Evgeniy Evdokimov. CreateSpace said hack occurred April 15.