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Indie eBookstores Rejoice! The Kindle Store is Down!

I hope you’re not planning to buy any Kindle ebooks today, because it’s just not going to happen.

For the past couple hours, the Kindle Store has been experiencing some rather odd technical difficulties. As you can see from the screenshot above, none of the titles listed are available to buy. But the really strange part is that this problem is only happening in the US. Other parts of the world can still buy ebooks.

What’s even stranger is that if you click through to the listings, some of the unavailable ebooks are available again. And then they’re not. While writing this post I have noticed the prices appear and vanish at least 4 times.

Luckily this only affects new purchases. I’ve tried several ebooks in my archive and I could read them via the Kindle Cloud Reader. And I wouldn’t worry too much; Amazon will likely fix this in the next few hours. They’ve already responded to complaints posted in the support forums.

We are currently working on a website issue that is affecting the buy box for Kindle books. Some Kindle books are not displaying pricing information and show as unavailable. We anticipate the issue will be resolved shortly, and will update the network when it’s been fixed.


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Timothy Wilhoit March 27, 2012 um 5:22 pm

It appears fine now.

Nate Hoffelder March 27, 2012 um 5:25 pm

Yep. But it was fun while it lasted.

fjtorres March 27, 2012 um 6:11 pm

Amazon haters have to get their jollies where they can; they are few and far between, no? 🙂

karen wester newton March 27, 2012 um 6:39 pm

Maybe J K Rowling cast a spell on Amazon! -)

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