Infographic: Books vs eBooks
Here’s a fun little cartoon/infographic that compares some of the benefits of ereaders versus books with paper. It’s the work of Sylvia Liu, and she has graciously allowed me to repost it here.
Here’s a fun little cartoon/infographic that compares some of the benefits of ereaders versus books with paper. It’s the work of Sylvia Liu, and she has graciously allowed me to repost it here.
CJJ March 4, 2013 um 10:53 am
Pretty good but she forgot an important advantage of e readers. Carrying your library with you- A small moving van vs simply having the device on you. Not to mention a back up of your library on an SD card or your computer (or in the "cloud" for you gambling types).
Tony Hursh March 4, 2013 um 12:06 pm
The ereader is much better on an airplane for the same reason. You can have hundreds of books available to suit your mood, compared to having just a couple jammed into your carryon.
Yes, you do have to turn it off during takeoff and landing, but for me having a wide selection available is plenty of compensation — not to mention having all those books available when you get to your destination.
carmen webster buxton March 4, 2013 um 1:32 pm
There is movement afoot to make the FFA see sense about turning ereaders off during takeoff and landings. Plus, since you could end up sitting on the tarmac for hours at a stretch, being able to get more books trumps a brief off-time at either end of the flight (I don’t think it’s 20 minutes! More like 10).
Absent an apocalypse that makes electricity unobtainable, I would give ereaders the edge.
Lawrence Dol March 4, 2013 um 8:09 pm
The only reason you "have" to turn off an ereader during TO&L on an airplane is because airline personnel are brain-dead – at best you might need to set airplane-mode on (aka turn any wireless equipment off). If the electronic noise from my Kindle (esp. sans-wifi) is enough to disrupt the plane’s navigation equipment, then we have much bigger problems… like my and every other passengers' wrist-watch, the plane’s in-air entertainment system, etc. etc. That requirement is complete bollocks.
So e-books are winning.
My opinions of eBook services | Jaye Em Edgecliff March 5, 2013 um 9:32 am
[…] Infographic: Books vs eBooks ( […]
Diane March 5, 2013 um 5:48 pm
I also like eBooks better because they are lighter and easier to hold. No book marks needed, and they always open to the right page.
Stumbling Over Chaos :: Linkity limps along (and I’ve probably already used that title) March 8, 2013 um 3:04 am
[…] Books vs ebooks infographic. […]
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[…] La saga si arricchisce di una nuova puntata con una simpatica infografica disegnata da Sylvia Liu, e pubblicata da The Digital Reader […]
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[…] Via The Digital Reader. […]
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