Kindle Create Now Outputs POD Book Files
Amazon just took another step towards complete dominance of the book market supply chain. The retailer could already handle everything from production to the retail sale, and now they are moving one step up the chain to also provide the tools that are used to format books as well.
I was just reading in the KDP newsletter that Kindle Create, Amazon’s tool for making Kindle project files, has been updated with support for POD books.
In addition to regular Kindle ebooks and the PDF-ish Kindle format, Kindle Create can now also create the files you would need to upload to create a print edition:
With the latest release of Kindle Create, you can now upload your Kindle Create file to KDP as both an eBook and paperback of any trim size, creating both digital and print versions of your book simultaneously!
Routine but challenging paperback tasks like margins, page numbers, left/right side page layouts, widow/orphan treatment, and table of contents creation are also handled automatically.
Ready to publish your next book? Or ready to publish one of your eBooks in paperback? Download the latest version of Kindle Create today and get started.
The output files are of course proprietary to Amazon, and cannot be uploaded elsewhere (this makes sense when you remember that Amazon’s goal is to dominate the market, not give you a more useful tool). This limits their value, but if you are going to be selling through Amazon anyway, this may have cut out an extra step in your production process.
Has anyone tried the new features?
Technology • Innovation • Publishing — Issue #114 | Sandler Techworks October 6, 2020 um 10:17 am
[…] Kindle Create Now Outputs POD Book Files — […]
Episode 340 – Using Etsy, Earning Respect, and How to Say No | Sell More Books Show October 7, 2020 um 7:02 am
[…] Tip #1: Amazon Dominates Tip #2:The Whole Package Tip #3: Facebook Follies (1) Tip #3: Facebook Follies (2) […]
Self-publishing News: Literary Prizes Still Not Open to Indies – Top News Rocket October 7, 2020 um 8:46 am
[…] Meanwhile Nate at The Digital Reader has a very interesting update from Amazon. Kindle Create, they have announced, will now enable you to produce print on demand ready files which you can upload direct to KDP Print. I have to say, I’ve not had any problem getting my books to work on KDP Print from a Word file. But I really like formatting. For the many who, I’m sure, don’t, this might be helpful. […]
Self-publishing News: Literary Prizes Still Not Open to Indies – My Blog October 7, 2020 um 10:22 am
[…] Meanwhile Nate at The Digital Reader has a very interesting update from Amazon. Kindle Create, they have announced, will now enable you to produce print on demand ready files which you can upload direct to KDP Print. I have to say, I’ve not had any problem getting my books to work on KDP Print from a Word file. But I really like formatting. For the many who, I’m sure, don’t, this might be helpful. […]
Self-publishing News: Literary Prizes Still Not Open to Indies – The News Stories October 7, 2020 um 10:54 am
[…] Meanwhile Nate at The Digital Reader has a very interesting update from Amazon. Kindle Create, they have announced, will now enable you to produce print on demand ready files which you can upload direct to KDP Print. I have to say, I’ve not had any problem getting my books to work on KDP Print from a Word file. But I really like formatting. For the many who, I’m sure, don’t, this might be helpful. […]
Debbie Burke October 9, 2020 um 9:47 am
I tried using Create for POD paperback but ran into problems formatting the TOC. Amazon claimed it was automatic yet whenever I tried, only the reflowable TOC from the ebook showed. Went round and round with KDP support that kept telling me to right click at the beginning of Chapter 1 and the TOC would appear automatically. It didn’t. I sent screen shots of what did appear ("split chapter here" or "insert image").
Never resolved and had to have paperback formatted from an outside supplier.
Not impressed.