New Nook to Have Front-Lit Screen
Yes, B&N is beating Amazon to the punch.
Late last week Techcrunch reported that the next Kindle might be getting an integrated frontlight so people can read in the dark. I never really liked the idea, but apparently Barnes &Noble does. I now have a photo of new signage that B&N stores are just beginning to get in store.
It’s important to note that the new Nook isn’t getting a backlit screen like that on your LCD based tablet. The Nook, like many ereaders, uses an E-ink screen and that means that you cannot have the light behind the screen. The new Nook is going to have a front light embedded over the E-ink screen and it’s probably going to work much like the FlexLight concept video which I showed you back in December.
I don’t have any firm details on the price or release date, but I have heard that it will be a Thursday launch. That likely means tomorrow, but it might refer to next week.
P.S. As fascinating as this story is, I have to say that I’ve been hearing rumors of it for a while now. My competition reported last week about this very product. He only had a rumor, but his details were surprisingly accurate.
Lynne April 11, 2012 um 1:35 pm
Cute. You are trying to get us to edit your old blog posts! (The link for the post from last December is a link to edit it in WP admin.)
Just FYI! I wanted to read the post. ^_^
Nate Hoffelder April 11, 2012 um 2:38 pm
Next-gen NOOK Touch to have front-lit display – Liliputing April 11, 2012 um 1:46 pm
[…] Just a few days after reports of a new Kindle with a front-lit screen started making the rounds, Â Nate at The Digital Reader snagged a picture of a new NOOK Simple Touch eBook reader with a front-lit display. […]
Peter April 11, 2012 um 1:50 pm
There are TWO Nates with ebook blogs?
Which one of you is Nate the great?
Nate Hoffelder April 11, 2012 um 1:59 pm
Mike Cane April 11, 2012 um 2:00 pm
The one doing this blog. Accept no substitutes.
Peter April 11, 2012 um 2:30 pm
fjtorres April 11, 2012 um 2:10 pm
Different approaches.
Both useful.
Nuovo Nook Touch con E-Ink luminoso – Netbook News April 11, 2012 um 2:13 pm
[…] Touch. Quella che vedete sotto è la foto promozionale del nuovo ebook reader Nook, pubblicata da the-digital-reader e scattata ad un volantino promozionale che Barnes & Noble sta per esporre nelle sue […]
Leaked In-Store Signage Says B&N Is Prepping A Nook Simple Touch Reader With GlowLight | TechCrunch April 11, 2012 um 2:31 pm
[…] if B&N will beat Amazon to market with the first front-lit ereader. The image here is by way of The Digital Reader and suggests B&N is set to launch an updated Nook Simple Touch Reader sooner verses later. […]
bart April 11, 2012 um 4:04 pm
Personally I’ve been looking forward to this technology.
However I do hope that the light is not of the blue or white variety, a yellowish light (like incandescent) would give a more 'bookish' feeling.
Wait and see I guess.
Mike Cane April 11, 2012 um 4:20 pm
Ah, that’s a very good point. Some lights seem clinical or like staring into an overhead fluorescent fixture.
fjtorres April 11, 2012 um 4:34 pm
Given that eink already has a light gray background, the LED color might produce odd results. Presumably the light-guide layer will have a slight tint.
digital reader fan April 11, 2012 um 4:43 pm
I wonder if Thursday is online purchase only or in Brick stores Thursday. I guess if they were sitting on brick stores today word would get out. It will be fun to see it.
Tyler April 11, 2012 um 4:53 pm
I told you a couple of weeks ago when the Nook Touch refurbs went to $69 that it meant a new Nook was on it’s way. I would think that they will announce it and then it will be in stores in a few weeks so that they can get preorders in for it. That’s their usual MO except with the Nook Tablet 8 gig.
Mike Cane April 11, 2012 um 6:47 pm
If stores have signs to install, wouldn’t that mean it’ll appear sooner?
Nate Hoffelder April 11, 2012 um 7:57 pm
YES! Tomorrow, I said.
Mike Cane April 11, 2012 um 8:03 pm
Then fix yer frikkin post!! "That likely means tomorrow, but it might refer to next week."
Tyler April 11, 2012 um 10:25 pm
The signs would be to advertise them. I would be very surprised to see one in a store tomorrow.
em April 12, 2012 um 12:06 pm
The nook refurbs are back up to $79 on the ebay B&N shop.
New Nook Simple Touch with “GlowLight” lit screen might be on the way | VentureBeat April 11, 2012 um 4:55 pm
[…] today, The Digital Reader posted a photo (pictured to the right) of a B&N promotional poster that reads […]
fjtorres April 11, 2012 um 5:29 pm
Hey! MSNBC is quoting you! đ
B&N to Unveil Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight Soon | The eBook Reader Blog – eReader and Tablet Reviews and News April 11, 2012 um 7:06 pm
[…] The Digital Reader was lucky enough to obtain a picture (shown above) of one of the new posters advertising the lighted Nook Touch that Barnes and Noble stores are starting to get in. […]
Dave April 12, 2012 um 12:04 am
Well, this is exciting news to me! I use my Nook Touch and love it, saving the rest of my electronic gizmo appetite for my uber Android smartphone. I once rooted my Nook Touch but restored it because I like it just as a book reader. Ever since I saw news about flexlight I’ve thought, "THAT would be a nice addition to the Nook Touch." Wow, sometimes hopes do come true! I can’t wait to see it. I too agree, though, about the light color mentioned above. The newest nook clip-on light uses an "incandescent" look and it’s much nicer than the bluish white of many LED lights. Will be interesting to see how this looks.
update kindle touch si zvonuri despre un nou nook simple touch | April 12, 2012 um 3:53 am
[…] ĂŽn s?pt?mânile urm?toare.?i exist? ni?te zvonuri potrivit c?rora azi se va lansa un nou Nook Simple Touch cu ecran luminat din spate. Vom vedea.Articole asem?n?toarestiri pe scurt[zvonuri] amazon lanseaza ebook reader color de 6 […]
SaltatorMortis April 12, 2012 um 4:05 am
i hope it comes with an firmware update…
1. browser
2. android mode(installable app)
3. landscape
4. improved partialrefresh
Nook Simple Touch e-reader will soon be readable in the dark thanks to GlowLight screen April 12, 2012 um 9:35 am
[…] Noble may be updating its Nook Simple Touch with something all e-readers sorely need: a light. The Digital Reader reports that both the Nook and Kindle will soon be getting frontlights, but that Barnes & Noble will […]
Barnes & Noble’s new Nook is not for single people — paidContent April 12, 2012 um 4:44 pm
[…] company’s newest Nook is the $139 Simple Touch with GlowLight (leaked Wednesday by The Digital Reader). It has a front-lit screen and it is aimed at the person who […]
Geert April 12, 2012 um 4:53 pm
Now mentioned on B&N’s website.
$139 Pre-order for May 1.
Nate Hoffelder April 12, 2012 um 5:10 pm
Called it.
digital reader fan April 12, 2012 um 5:26 pm
Darn right Nate and source scooped the internet. Good job!
Nieuwe Nook krijgt ingebouwde schermverlichting | | Ereader NLEreader NL April 12, 2012 um 6:09 pm
[…] voorzien is van schermverlichting. Dat blijkt uit promotiemateriaal dat verscheen op het blog van The Digital Reader. De nieuwste Nook wordt mogelijk volgende week officieel […]
First Look at the New Nook Touch (video) – The Digital Reader April 12, 2012 um 6:51 pm
[…] the new Nook Touch at a closed event in NYC today. I didn’t get an invite, but given that I posted the leaked sign yesterday I guess I can live with it.But I was slightly wrong in my post. Surprisingly, B&N held the […]
‘Nieuwe Nook-e-reader krijgt verlicht e-ink-scherm’ | Tech-nieuws April 12, 2012 um 11:56 pm
[…] nieuwe versie van de Nook simple Touch zou een verlicht e-ink-scherm krijgen, genaamd GlowLight, volgens uitgelekte promotieposters die The Digital E-reader kon bemachtigen. Door de specifieke […]
L’eBook reader Nook Touch ora…anche illuminato April 13, 2012 um 4:10 am
[…] tecnologia eInk.Ad annunciare in anteprima l’arrivo era stato il solito ben informato blog The Digital Reader, che aveva paragonato la tecnologia GlowLight a quella FlexLight di cui parlammo qualche tempo fa. […]
I Didn’t Get an Invite to Yesterday’s Nook Event Because I’m Too Good at My Job – The Digital Reader April 13, 2012 um 6:57 pm
[…] month would be a good example, or the Nook Color Acclaim, the November Nook Tablet launch, or the leaked signage from earlier this week.To put it simply, I’m too fucking good at finding out stuff. I can […]
New Nook to include built-in front lit screen September 26, 2012 um 2:14 pm
[…] Source The Digital Reader […]