NY Law Firm Now Investigating Author Solutions, Class Action Lawsuit to Follow?
Have you been cheated by Author Solutions or one of their many subsidiaries? There’s a New York law firm that wants to talk to you.
Update: And now that firm has filed their lawsuit.
I’ve just been given a link to a new notice posted on the website of Giskan, Solotaroff, Anderson, & Stewart, a Manhattan-based law firm that specializes in class action and commercial litigation. The law firm:
is currently investigating the practices of Author Solutions and all of its brands (AuthorHouse, iUniverse, Trafford, Xlibris, Inkubook, and Wordclay). Authors using Author Solutions have complained of deceptive practices, including enticing authors to purchase promotional services that are not provided or are worthless, failing to pay royalties, and spamming authors and publishing blogs/sites with promotional material.
They are seeking authors who have had negative encounters with Author Solutions. (Gee, I don’t think they’ll have much trouble finding them.) There’s no evidence yet that the law firm intends to file suit, but given Author Solution’s infamous reputation in the self-pub community I should think that a class-action lawsuit is inevitable.
This, folks, is what I had been waiting for ever since Pearson made it clear that they weren’t going to reform Author Solutions. That fly-by-night firm and their various brands have a history of questionable business practices that goes back for at least a decade, with some of the brands having been in operation since the late 1990s. Pearson acquired Author Solutions in mid-2012 for $115 million and have since used it to launch new self-pub services in partnership with Penguin India (Partridge) and S&S (Archway).
That firm has always been a class-action lawsuit waiting to happen but now that it is owned by Pearson there are some very deep pockets to go after. In fact, I would bet that this is just the first of many lawsuits currently in the works. This is just one firm that posted a public notice; I would bet that the rest are quietly reaching out to disgruntled ex-ASI customers via complaint boards and forums.
In the next few months we are probably going to hear about other firms which are also working towards filing class action lawsuits against Pearson/ASI. I have to say that I am looking forward to it; the lawsuits will be entertaining and stand as a warning to any of the other major publishers that are thinking about following in Pearson’s footsteps.
image by Ana Paula Hirama
fjtorres March 4, 2013 um 12:44 pm
RE: the headline…
One should hope so. It’s way overdue…
And the Random Penguin has the deep pockets to make it worthwhile.
Ms. Lee Allen March 5, 2013 um 1:52 pm
In mid-2012, I started "dealing" with Xlibris to publish my book, which they did (sort of), but with a serious error in the first chapter. I paid them well over $600.00 (out of my SSI/SSD), tried to get the glitch corrected and was told I’d have to pay ewxtra for that! I’m 75+, disabled and trying to use my linguistic skills to make some "extra" money. So far, I’ve received 98 CENTS in "royalties" for my novel, and nothing better in sight.
P.S. I’m still working on getting published, but not by scam artists like Xlibris!
Thank you for your attention.
[email protected] (2d user name)
John January 25, 2015 um 8:46 pm
I published a book and after Xlibris 'finished' editing it, there were so many paragraphs and one line sentences that were not properly indented and quotation marks were not properly done whether it was at the beginning of the paragraph or end. The editing was poorly done in this regard and I paid a ton of money to have their 'professional' editors go over it.
John January 26, 2015 um 7:45 pm
Xlibris charged me over $1000 to edit one of my books and it was terrible in regards to improper indentations of paragraphs or one line sentences and improper use of quotation marks.
Angela March 4, 2013 um 10:25 pm
We have heard from SO many unhappy Author Solutions authors over the years. It’s about time someone takes action against their horrible practices.
rdlecoeur March 5, 2013 um 6:04 am
The Bookseller has just posted a kinda non article stating that Author Solutions has had no legal proceedings lodged against it-DUH! The law firm clearly intimated that it was gathering sufficient clients to launch a class action.
fjtorres March 5, 2013 um 6:46 am
If they’re going to succeed, first they need to build a case on billing irregularities and other easy to document stuff so they can file and start discovery. Once discovery starts they might find evidence of the intent to fleece their customers.
IF the AS crowd have any brains there’s a lot of shreading and hard drive replacement going on right now. Not that it’ll get rid of the online records but it might block the deep discovery that would lead to them.
I’m sure Penguin staff can advise them on how *they* got caught.
"Do as I say, not as I did." 🙂
Nate Hoffelder March 5, 2013 um 7:27 am
I’m not sure that HD shredding will help any. Don’t businesses have to maintain 7 years worth of emails and other communications?
And if nothing else the authors will be able to submit their copies and make statements. There will be ASI internal docs to verify at least some of the allegations so the rest will probably look plausible when placed in front of a jury.
Richard Levik April 11, 2013 um 6:42 pm
I have a book which I just finalized with Author House. I’m waiting, as I write this, for my first copy of my first book. Thus far they have been fine. Yeah they offered my high priced marketing tools and I said, "No thank you." The only thing I’m reading the last few days, now that I’m aware of these alleged problems, is not getting paid my due royalties. That will be very screwed up. I don’t know if I should just ask them about this at Author House or just keep quiet. My book is entitled, OFF MY CHEST: Letters to the Editor…+ so it’s unlikely that I’ll keep quiet for long. How does one monitor sales of one’s book independently? Something I read yesterday said that someone had requested this and were refused this information.
Since a large established company such as Pearson purchased them, they must consider these complaints bogus. Can someone give an objective, unbiased answer based upon actual evidence?
Thank You in Advance,
Richard L.
Dion E Cheese October 7, 2014 um 11:59 pm
The complaints are definitely not bogus and if anyone is interested on self publishing and advertising at a fraction of the cost contact me at [email protected] and join iurban.org which is a magazine and social site for Urban Fiction writers primarily but others are welcome. I filed a complaint with the BBB in order to make Xlibris correct my book that contained errors not originally in my manuscript after they published without my final consent…
J W April 12, 2013 um 9:38 pm
Has anyone had dealings/nightmare situe’s with Balboa Press? Thank you.
fjtorres April 13, 2013 um 7:30 am
Have you been to the Writer Beware site?
john b April 30, 2013 um 11:07 am
Yes..Its about time!! Thank you jesus!! ..Iuniverse and Author Solutions have ripped me off ..I believe out of millions dollars having the #1 racing book for about 3 and half years. .having pennies&nickles to show for it..these people are so deceptive, they put live people on author royalties pages to switch documents once they see your own there. ..But Thank god I had chance to see the real royalties statement. .It was 10’000’s of thousands of dollars before the page went into a tailspin corrupting the data page..thats when there live internet person puts in the fraudulent document. .the old swith a roo technic. .Robbing me out of tens of thousands of dollars in which they keep in there pockets through deception. .and dishonesty cheating authors..THIS IS THE BIGGEST PONZEY SCHEME SINCE BERNIE MADHOFF , with them pocketing millions off a web of lies and decit.!!
Ruth Watson-Morris May 2, 2013 um 4:09 am
I get email after email from these people, I also used to get phone calls, they drove me crazy, but that to me would be a reason NOT to go with these companies. You dont need them! I am self published, I have a fabulous editor, and I believe that Authors who go with these companies are well and truly ripped off anyway. Most people complain that the editing is bad, I have seen evidence of this.
Why are people paying extortionate amounts of money? They should use it on buying good editing and producing the work themselves.
Authors Solution-Penguin’s Self Publishing Press – Under Fire | MarlaMiller.com May 3, 2013 um 9:01 pm
[…] was published in 2012. Then I got wind of lawsuits being levied against them. Here’s the first link to this news. Just weeks later, a class action suit was filed. Read about that news […]
F*****' A! Author Solutions Sued For Deceptive Practices | Suess's Pieces May 8, 2013 um 8:28 am
[…] NY Law Firm Now Investigating Author Solutions, Class Action Lawsuit to Follow? […]
Lisa Neumann May 8, 2013 um 12:20 pm
Thank you for this article. I have a long list of documented infractions against Author Solution, whom I was referred to via Balboa Press (aka Hay House). I have never been treated more poorly by any company. If your looking for additional documentation I’m your girl. After torching me for 10 of thousands in marketing fees and producing minimal marketing I still can’t get a royalty report or royalty check that is accurate.
Best of luck as they pursue. I will persevere but many will not.
Lisa Neumann
Author, Sober Identity
fjtorres May 8, 2013 um 5:26 pm
Nate linked to this a couple days ago:
Every writer/aspiring writer and reader should read it to see just who is behind all those Predatory Presses out there.
Nate Hoffelder May 8, 2013 um 5:34 pm
I also wrote this:
john b May 8, 2013 um 5:36 pm
To Richard levick..the paint is peeling there "CROOKS Rippoff artist..thats your unbiased answer. SWITCHING ROYALTY PAGES …PUTTING IN FRAUDULENT. .ONES IS FRAUD& MONEY LAUNDERING. PLUS ITS.. TAX INVASION..!!…"STEALING'
Daniel P Quinn May 16, 2013 um 6:21 pm
My experience w/AH since 2005 has been a nightmare, having had 2 books published w/them. I have yet to recover even 25% of the charges I paid of about $6,000 for both books. Both books received good press that AH sat on and did nothing except a single PRelease to promote either book. I hired PRweb to work w/me trying to increase sales, but I have no idea if the statements AH sends me are accurate or not. I would be thrilled to take part in this suit. Their web sites list wildly divergent prices from $3.99 to $95.00 a copy. Other books are listed on websites in India, Australia, Europe, Canada and the UK via their subsidiary. It seems like a book sized ponzi scheme to me.
Dion Cheese May 26, 2013 um 4:12 pm
Can someone please inbox me on Facebook under Dion Cheeze. I just got my book released under them with a bad edit job… I would love to join in on a class action lawsuit against Xlibris…
assunta parrella October 15, 2014 um 1:21 pm
I paid well over six thousand dollars for my true life story book. ( I was told that the platinum package included editing). t was during a family tragedy therefore I had to move to Italy in 2009. Since then the book was translated in Italian. In 2012 I paid several hundred dollars to have the English version corrected, and it was not. I am to blame since I was busy taking care of my dying husband and trusted them. Since, the book is ready in English, French and Italian. I was contacted by Xlibris and tried to give them another chance. I requested that the english should substitute editing no necessary for the other two language. Explained that they never did any of it and yet willing to give them another chance. I then have also requested an explanation about royalties not received . I have yet to get an answer. This time I decided to investigate before sending them money . That is how I found that there is an action suit against them-. I have no idea how to join that action suite. I am Italian therefore English is not my mother language.
Dion Cheese October 15, 2014 um 4:58 pm
File a complaint with the BBB for misrepresentation of services. That’s what I did and made them do my entire edit over from scratch. A signed disclaimer can not be enforced if the one providing the service is not up to par with industry standards. What Xlibris tries to do is take advantage of excited new authors. Join me at my site iurban.org and share your experience on our members blog so that people can be warned and help one another. Yes it is primarily an urban site but all are welcome.
john b June 18, 2013 um 6:34 pm
I wonder what’s been going on the case…has anyone..heard anything new??….Because I’m still not getting "Royalties still to this date…this firm should "Sue them all in with small groups..of 5 Authors..at a time. .like Aron.Brokovich did this way everybodys happy..and getting the Right justice…..Because some Authors books..could be bestsellers and the Crooked crooks in the Complaint. .isnt saying anything. .but ripping people at will..Robbing ..peter to pay Paul..keeping Authors in the blind..when some Authors books are front page and Dead Center
..that usually means the book is selling..and there being lied to..about Royalties. …I kinda like this Idea I mention..that way penguin suffers for its Greed…and it will send a Clear Message to others Thou Shall not Steal. ..or cook your books to turn a profit! !
Dion Cheese June 18, 2013 um 7:25 pm
Dear John,
You can reach out to Jodi Foster, who is one of the plaintiffs. She has been very helpful to me in my ongoing situation.
Also, you can have the company audited by filing a complaint with the IRS, or make a complaint with the BBB.
In order for you or anyone else to get anything accomplished you have to take the initiative and create a record. Trust me, Uncle Sam wants his money. If the company is withholding royalties from you that means Uncle Sam is not getting his full due.
I hope this helps… Cheezie
john b June 19, 2013 um 7:57 am
Thank you!..but some how I geather …if this case goes to court. ..they will owe the irs and Authors..millions in some cases and thousands in other cases. .thanks again you’ve been a great help..deon cheese!!!
john b June 20, 2013 um 6:51 pm
Now I see all the era’s and mistakes IUniverse and Author Solutions did purposely in Books.. so they could robb Authors out of more fee’s..thats a shame and its low down..I Wouldn’t recommend these people to count sheep or do dog poultry! !…I hope all of there offices get shut down. .I hope this judge seizes all of there Assets..until every Author gets .."justice..what a fucking shame. .if you can’t trust your publisher than..who can you trust!!!
Anthony S.Phillander September 10, 2013 um 4:00 pm
author solution, wrong Author Problems is a more suitable name
Lydia Naadu Tawiah August 15, 2016 um 6:22 am
In 2013 i published my first book with Author House the editing was very poor,i spent couple ,i was also asks to pay for the holly wood coverage so i paid nearly six hundred pounds, all my payments was in UK pounds which was very expensive for me,in six months later i received my royalties which was one pound thirty five pence,the second one ninety pence,the third one was one pound twenty pence, all my money was gone,thank you.
john b September 10, 2013 um 4:19 pm
U know who this is..
I Dont have to put a Real Name. My books are front page everywhere. .U god damed"Bastered "Crooks..u wouldnt satisfy..a sheep fucking a Billy Goat..even after..Authors take you, to the AtG, office..&the BBB You, just come up with more& more lies to defend your stealing from Authors..Iuniverse &Authorhouse..tell more lies than a "Cat licks" his own "Ass ..Im not tolerating it anymore.."Get my God Damed Money!!
Dion Cheese September 10, 2013 um 6:52 pm
You are welcome John B… DionCheese
john b September 10, 2013 um 6:55 pm
No thank you!!!
Author Solutions Sued For Deceptive Practices | Suess's Pieces May 16, 2014 um 12:33 pm
[…] NY Law Firm Now Investigating Author Solutions, Class Action Lawsuit to Follow? […]
John b May 16, 2014 um 1:36 pm
Does any one have any recent new updates about the class action suite, since there are no current daily updates; inquiring minds what to know??
Nate Hoffelder May 16, 2014 um 1:38 pm
margaret talley May 18, 2014 um 11:54 am
I poblished a poetry book with Authorhouse and paid an enormous price then they continued calling wanting money for promotions I told them I would not pay until I started receiving royalty checks. I have checked websites and they are o posted . Therre is supposed to be thirty thousand websites they said. As of todqay they have not sent a royqlty check The book has been on the market over a year. I cannot call o5r writ or go online and get information about the sell or royalties they clam up and act dumb. if I question them farther they keep repeating their first answer we pay quartwerly. These people are supposed to be working for us not against ussorry my hand is mwsses messed up and I cannot type well.
John b May 18, 2014 um 2:21 pm
Mam, I’m sorry to tell ya, join the club, this is what dishonest corporations..do, call the law firm..In this Blog, Everyone’s, feed up with anything to do with author house and it’s many affiliates. …..shame..If they can’t do good business right, then don’t do Business at all !!!!!
Greg Zito October 7, 2014 um 10:07 pm
I would like to file a law suit against Xlibris Publishing Company, I paid them over $6,600.00 and 114 months later, I had received $360.00 in royalties . They did not edit, advertise and or market my book as they had stated. When I read the book it wasn’t the same numerical order that I had sent to them, and everytime, I was in touch with a different person van E mail.
There was duplicate stories, duplicate photo’s duplicate articles and in one case they had stated the incident four times thru out the book instead of the numerical order that I had corrected. I wish to have an attorney to file a law suit against xlibris, if you send me your address I will send to you a copy of the book that I wrote and was so badly published, and edited. I doubt if they did any editing, and or advertising or marketing , and I paid them over ^6,600.00 could you advise an attorney if you are not interested, I will mail you a copy of the book that Xlibris published you would not believe how a company could print a book with so many mistakes. I cancelled my contrat and am currently working with Outskirts Press Publishing Company. Please be interested. and Thank you. The title of my book is History of Street Cops by Greg Zito the history of my Police career from the U . S . Army Military Police to a Chicago Transit Authority Police Officer protecting the riders on the transit systems, then finally as a Chicago Police Officer, involved in six shootings with Armed Robbery Suspects. Promoted to Detective then Gang Crimes Specialist, fighting the Gangs of Chicago, the Cabrini Green Snipers. I will mail you a copy of this book with so many mistakes and how they can print it is unbelievable Thank you ! Greg Zito
assunta parrella October 15, 2014 um 1:23 pm
I would also to file suite against Xlibris. Bad bad editing and promises not kept.
John September 17, 2015 um 7:40 pm
I have one book published by Xlibris and I haven’t seen any royalties for months now.
Multi-Million Dollar Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Penguin, Author Solutions | The Digital Reader July 27, 2016 um 1:30 pm
[…] New York law firm Giskan, Solotaroff, Anderson, & Stewart. This is the firm that 2 months was looking for authors who had had negative encounters with Author […]
Melissa November 5, 2018 um 10:37 am
I published my second book with xlibris the soilders call. I only got one dollar and 44 cents for selling a book. I am mentally challenged but I am smart enough to know what’s going on my family thinks I was taken advantage of. If anyway possible please contact me about the lawsuit against them thank you
Lulu Signs Deal With the Devil – Now Partnered with Author Solutions | The Digital Reader July 27, 2016 um 1:30 pm
[…] services weren't overpriced, there is a cloud hanging over the head of Author Solutions. They are being investigated by at least one law firm that could be looking to file a class action lawsuit on behalf of authors. ASI is infamous for […]
DAVID PHILLIPS, England July 21, 2019 um 5:44 am
I signed an agreement with Xlibris in May 2019, and paid $1000 to have the manuscript edited, but they came back and said we need over $1000 to have it reviewed before any work had been done. It sounded alarm bells so I went on line and found all of you people. I immediately cancelled the agreement and they said they would give me my money back, and not use my manuscript, but they also said 'WE CANNOT CONTROL ANY CONTRACTOR OR BOOKSELLER WHO HAS THE MANUSCRIPT'! No one has my manuscript except them. What is needed here is for a joint writ to be filed against them denying them, or associated companies or employees, use of, or any part of, manuscripts or books, of any authors book title appended to the writ, or to put the book into the hands of book sellers of any format.
Dolores Zirbser August 20, 2019 um 8:20 pm
I have been with iuniverse since October 2017. They got $10,000.00 from me to publish my novel. I refused to pay the $15,000.00 they wanted for marketing. My book was on amazon books and I know there were books sold. However, to this day I have not received one royalty payment. The royalty payment that they said I would get was only ten per cent. Needless to say, I have another publisher. It seems iuniverse was the only one to benefit from the novel it took me years to write. I would like to know if I have a case; and please let me know what I should do.
Dolores Zirbser August 31, 2019 um 11:47 am
Hi, As it appears that Giskan, Solotaroff, Anderson, & Stewart attorneys have already had their lawsuit against Author Solutions a few years ago, I am wondering if you can refer me to another law firm that might take my case against iuniverse publishing, an extension of Author Solutions.
Iuniverse published my novel in October 2017. I am a new author, so I don’t think I sold many books, but I know that I sold some. I paid them $10,000.00 and they wanted $15,000.00 more for marketing. With a little research I found that other authors who used iuniverse claimed to have paid a large amount of money for marketing and they only put their book on amazon online bookstore. I didn’t pay them anything for marketing, but I am wondering if I have a case to try to get money back for their not paying me one royalty payment. If you know of another law firm that you could refer me to I would greatly appreciate it. Hoping to hear back from you soon, Dolores Zirbser
Patrick September 14, 2019 um 2:56 pm
I would like to sign on the suit against Author House and specifically their subsidiary Xlibris but cannot seem to find out how. I published with Xlibris in 2011 and they claim I have never sold a single copy. I have seen my book on shelves in used book stores and know seven people who purchased the book online. In eight years not one copy sold? But I have seen it in used book stores? How is that possible?