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The Sony Garage Sale Continues – Old Tokyo HQ now on the Market

Over BN-BS511_sony02_G_20140228040507[1]the past year Sony has sold off their PC division, their US headquarters,  and they’ve abandoned most of their retail stores in the US (and in other countries) but that hasn’t been enough to stem their negative finances.

The WSJ is reporting today that Sony is looking to sell their old headquarters building in central Tokyo. Sony is selling their old HQ as part of a general cost-cutting effort that also includes cutting about 1,000 jobs in the U.S. and Mexico, amidst global cuts of 5,000. Sony occupied the building, which is now a home for several other businesses, from 1990 to 2007.

And now it can be yours for the low, low price of $148 million.  That’s far less than what Sony got when they sold their Madison Ave property last year. That sale netted Sony $1.1 billion and the sale of one of their main Tokyo buildings generated another $1.1 billion.

image via AFP

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Paul February 28, 2014 um 11:42 am

Its a sad decline of a once great organization. This is what happens when you get rid of the engineers in high level positions (ie. people who understand the product and their customers and what you need to do to build it).

fjtorres February 28, 2014 um 1:38 pm

Uh, engineers in high end positions is what got them into this mess.
The whole "we know better" attitude of Kutaragi goldplating the profits out of PS3, the TV guys thinking analog displays would be better at digital TV than digital displays, the entire story of woe of Sony and ebooks… That was all on the engineers in high end positions who "did their thing" without a thought at what the outside world was like.

Paul February 28, 2014 um 1:57 pm

Except their entire organization has imploded since a sales guy from Hollywood took over running Sony.

fjtorres February 28, 2014 um 2:30 pm

It imploded before.
And Hirai is japanese. The idiot division presidents don’t ignore him the way they ignored the brit.
Sony is a ridiculously dysfunctional company and has been for over a decade. The board brought in Stringer because they didn’t trust any of the inhouse options. Everything Stringer tried to do but was sabotaged is what Hirai is doing.

The only truly brilliant decision Sony made over the last decade or so was securing the SPIDERMAN movie license. Without the extra billion every three years they would’ve folded five years ago.

Jon Jermey March 1, 2014 um 1:53 am

I’d be sorry to see them go, if it wasn’t for one thing: rootkit. Any company showing that level of insensitivity to customers deserves to hit a wall.

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