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Sony Launches a Browser Based eBookstore (Finally)

This next piece of news comes from the "We’re not dead yet" dept.

Sony announced yesterday that their ebookstore was now available to browse and buy ebooks via any web browser.  This is a stellar achievement for Sony, and it comes a mere 6 years after they launched the Reader Store.

Nope, I’m not kidding there. Sony opened the Reader Store when they launched the PRS-500 way back in 2006. You could only access it via Sony’s app, which only ran on Windows (and poorly, at that).

In other news, Sony also released an updated version of the Reader app for Android. According to the listing in Google Play, the app has a new UI as well as several bug, stability, and performance fixes.


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Ingo Lembcke June 6, 2012 um 10:13 am

About time. And the software for buying was available for Mac OS X at least sometime 2008 when I bought my used Sony PRS 505 from ebay in Germany (it was officially released here spring 2009 imho). And the old version of the software was not as slow and awkward to use as the current version – both Mac OS X and Windows, they do not differ in that respect.

And I still think that this is one of the better designed shops with a few options I would like to see elsewhere implemented that easy: search-two-level I don’t know how else to call that, meaning search inside the results of a search and the easy way to set an alert for an author. And the sort options are also not always all available elsewhere. Even Amazon does not match all of this (but most and works well enough).

Void June 6, 2012 um 12:02 pm

I have a sony reader but I have never bought anything from the sony store. It is too sucky compared to other offerings. It’s too bad, because sony in my opinion has the best hardware design, and the internal software is fine, but they just can’t seem to get anything to do with their store to work well.

Mike Cane June 6, 2012 um 5:03 pm

>>>This is a stellar achievemnt for Sony, and it comes a mere 6 years after they launched the Reader Store.


Stats and Stores « The Pirate June 6, 2012 um 6:44 pm

[…] being said, exciting news comes to us from The Digital Reader since Sony has launched an online browser based ebookstore. This is exciting because it puts Sony […]

Around the Bookish World: Week-In-Review | Book Lovers Inc. June 8, 2012 um 5:29 pm

[…] Sony has launched a web-based store and it is about time, after 6 years since they have started their their online book stores which was only available via their software browser to buy books. The UK also has also a Sony web-store although they previously linked to the Waterstones website for orders. […]

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