Why Wait for Amazon’s eBook Cover Generator? Here are 3 Satirical Alternatives
A couple days ago I broke the news that Amazon was beta testing a new automatic cover generator for Kindle ebooks. This tool is going to make it easier for KDP authors to make a decent and free cover image for their Kindle ebooks.
That post has gotten a lot of attention and generated quite a few comments. Readers have pointed out useful info like the fact that Createspace and Lulu already offered similar cover generators, something I did not know. But my favorite comment on that post was a link to the Pulp-O-Miser.
That cover generator is intended to replicate the covers of pulp-era SF magazines, and as I played with it I realized that I actually know of 3 cover generators, not just the one, so I thought it wound be a good idea to share the fun.
BTW, if you know of a cover generator not mentioned here, feel free to mention it in the comments. I’d love to add to the list.
For Dummies
As you may know, Wiley publishes the for Dummies series of technical books. This series has an iconic black and yellow cover that can be spotted from across the room. It’s easily recognizable, making it an ideal candidate for satire. Even Wiley thinks so, and that’s why they released their own cover generator.
But I don’t like the Wiley generator, so I usually use this one. That’s the one I used to make the cover image shown above, but if it doesn’t fit your needs there are a bunch of alternatives only a Google search away.
Do you know what is just as iconic as a For Dummies title? Technical books published by O’Reilly Media. O’Reilly has been using animal images on plain white covers for over 20 years (here’s why), so it probably comes as no surprise that you can find a cover generator to make your own.
The one I like to use is a little awkward and it doesn’t actually give you an image you can download (you have to take a screenshot). But as you can see from the image at right I have gotten good results.
This cover generator was built to make faux cover images in the style of pulp SF magazines from the 1930s and 1940s. It offers quite a few options, including 5 text areas, dozens of background images, dozens of foreground images, and more features than you can shake a stick at.
So what do you think? Did I miss a cover generator that you like?
Bradley W. Schenck April 5, 2013 um 12:36 pm
Hi, Nate – thanks for your mention of the Pulp-O-Mizer! I just want to point out that if you like the idea of your very own pulp magazine title (like, oh, I dunno, "The Digital Reader"?) to use within the Pulp-O-Mizer… well, that’s one of the rewards in a Kickstarter project I launched yesterday.
It lives here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/101187357/retropolis-rocket-ship-limited-edition-archival-pr
Also, in that "for Dummies" generator I recommend a book about ventriloquism.
Gary April 6, 2013 um 4:45 am
Are the spelling mistakes part of the satire?
Cannibalism, not Cannabaism
Perfect Guide, not Guid
Nate Hoffelder April 6, 2013 um 5:41 am
Yep. Look at this one: