Amazon Changes Payment Terms for German Distributors
Amazon has quietly changed the terms offered to several German ebook distributors, bringing them into line with most other ebook distributors. reports that ebooks distributed to the Kindle Store via Bookrix, Neobooks, or BoD will now earn royalties similar to the rates offered through KDP. eBooks priced under 2.99 euros or over 9.99 euros will receive 35% of the net sales price, while ebooks priced between 2.99 and 9.99 euros will earn 70% (less Amazon’s fictional "transmission costs" fees).
The rates mentioned above are what is paid to the distributors; authors will get less. Bookrix, for example, takes a 30% cut of an author’s earnings.
Allen F August 14, 2018 um 7:40 pm
Any bets the qig5 will run into the same deal next contract time? 😉
Hannah Steenbock August 15, 2018 um 5:31 am
Honestly, uploading to Amazon is easy enough to avoid those cuts by distributors…