Bookbaby 2017 Self-Publishing Survey Report Now Out
Last November Bookbaby conducted a survey which polled authors on everything from what genres they are publishing to how they’re promoting their books.
I just got an email today with the news that Bookbaby had released the results of the survey. I have not had a chance to read the survey, but i see from the forward that 7,677 people, including 4,600 published authors, answered the 56 question survey.
The survey report covers:
- The wide range of tactics used by authors across all popular genres.
- The professional services used by the most-successful authors.
- Who successful authors reach out to for book reviews.
- How a body of work leads to stronger sales and an increased fan base.
- Where the most successful authors focused their time and money.
You can get a copy of the survey results from Bookbaby in exchange for your contact details (they want to come harvest your organs later, if that is okay).
In related news, Bookbaby also has a author conference coming up in November.
Allen F July 14, 2017 um 11:18 am
They missed an option or three on their sign up page …
I am interested in: Not being spammed to death
How long until you are ready to publish your book: Yesterday
Are you: Can’t select both Author and Publisher
Good thing you can put anything in the boxes … 😉
Robert Nagle July 16, 2017 um 10:39 am
For once, I’d like a marketing survey to exclude authors who write serials, sci fi, romance, erotica, YA and mysteries. For these authors, marketing strategy and even the ebook production process differ significantly — to say nothing of authors of various kinds of nonfiction.
The report really didn’t try to break down by author types. Sure, it might be interesting that Stephen King or John Scalzi use certain strategies, but I’d be more curious about what Jhumpa Lahiri or Jennifer Egan do.
It mentions reaching out to book blogs as a primary thing which differentiates successful from less successful authors. But this is a much trickier task than the survey would indicate. It means 1)understanding which blogs receive the most traffic, 2)figuring out the blogs more amenable to your type of book and 3)storing contact information and using mass notifications. All these tasks are nontrivial, and things which professionals do much better than indie authors. I would have liked to see a survey question about how many of these "successful" authors contact book blogs and Amazon reviewers themselves, and how many of them just pay someone to do it.
New Bookbaby 2017 Self-Publishing Survey Report Now Out – Stephen's Lighthouse July 28, 2017 um 2:42 pm
[…] Bookbaby 2017 Self-Publishing Survey Report Now Out […]