How to Download Your Kindle Notes and Highlights and Export Them (Updated for 2020)

Amazon has a great reading platform in the Kindle, but sometimes it’s not enough.
Sometimes I need to take the notes I make in a Kindle ebook and use them elsewhere. Amazon doesn’t make it easy for us to do that, but luckily there are other ways.
Back in 2015 I needed to export my Kindle notes, so I did some digging and rounded up a few tools which would help me do just that. The tools range from the simple (copy+paste from a web browser) to the inaccessible (an iPhone app and a Mac-only script).
Now it’s March 2019, and about half the tools mentioned in the original post are gone. So I have updated the post with corrected info and I’ve also pruned the tools that have died in the past four years.
Edit: And now it’s June 2020, and I still need to export my notes, so I have revised this post.
The available tools have changed a lot over the years. For example, Amazon used to have a site called where you could find your note and highlights, see what other people were writing in the margins, etc. Unfortunately, that is gone now. (That page was sorta replaced by, but the new page doesn’t have the same features.)
So let’s start with the simple trick that still works.
Look in the documents folder of your E-ink Kindle and you’ll see a file named myclippings.txt. This is a text file of all of the notes and highlights made on your Kindle (but not on the other Kindles or Kindle apps on your account). You can copy this file to your PC and open it.
Boom. You can now copy and past your notes into other documents, emails, etc.
Kindle (devcies)
Did you know you can have your Kindle Paperwhite, Kindle Oasis, or Kindle email your annotations to you? (I didn’t until Tom told me.) Amazon will email the notes and highlights to the address on your Amazon account. They will arrive as a PDF and a CSV attached to the email.
You can access the export option from the Notes menu which can be found in the 3 dot menu dropdown inside the ebook you’re reading.
iPad, Android, Kindle Fire
The Kindle apps for iOS and Android have a feature which is shared by the Kindle Fire tablets. They have a notebook menu where you can find all of the highlights and notes for an ebook.
This menu is accessible from inside the ebook, and one of the things you’ll find there is an option to share your annotations by email. Here’s what it looks like on the iPad:
The notebook menu can be accessed from inside a book, but the way you find it differs between Android, iOS, and the Kindle Fire.
On iOS, click the “sheet of paper” icon in the upper right corner. The export button is in the upper right corner of the notebook menu. The exported notes don’t look very good, but this trick does let you pull the notes out of even a side-loaded ebook.
On Android, click the "3 dots" icon in the upper right corner, and then select the Notebook option from the dropdown menu. You can either create flashcards or export the notes to Drive, by email, or by Android Beam.
On the Kindle Fire, open the ebook and press the center of the screen. One of the icons you will see across the top of the screen will look like a piece of paper. That is the notebook menu, and the export option is in the upper right corner.
Kindle Cloud Reader
Amazon’s Kindle app for the web browser is located at, and it even has a copy of your notes at
I just heard that it actually does have an export option., but you have to get Amazon CS to enable the feature first.
Kindle for PC
I forgot to include this in the original post, but the Kindle app for Windows and macOS has a notebook feature just like the one in the Kindle apps for Android and iOS. Its only export option is an HTML file. This is not an ideal option, but it does exist, which is better than nothing.
This screenshot should help you find the export feature.
This nifty little bookmarklet is simple and works great with Chrome. After you install it, you use it by opening an ebook’s highlights page on and then clicking the bookmarklet button.
I liked Bookcision because it worked well with Chrome. With other web browsers, you can save the notes to the clipboard, but with Chrome I also get multiple download options (text, XML, JSON). The latter two options include a link to the note’s location in the ebook.
Evernote WebClipper
This tool can be used to copy part of a page or an entire webpage into your Evernote account, and I’m told it works well to copy notes from a book’s highlights page on
But you might want to manually select the book notes though and copy and paste. There’s one report that the page has an infinite scroll built-in that messes up one user’s Evernote clipper.
And while we’re on the topic, Microsoft’s OneNote has a similar clipping tool. It takes screenshots so it’s not nearly as useful, but if you already use that platform then it’s worth a look.
Here’s another service I’m not sure I can recommend. is supposed to offer an easy to use online service for managing your Kindle notes and highlights, but I haven’t found a good reason to continue using it.
While I was setting it up, I noticed that this "free" service works with a Chrome plugin which costs $2 (you can also find the myclippings.txt file and upload it). That turned me off, and since it basically duplicates activities I already perform on my PC, I plan to close the tab and forget about it.
And last but not least, calibre. This ebook library tool can not only send ebooks to your Kindle, it can also fetch the annotations from a Kindle – only there’s a catch.
This only works when you have your Kindle plugged into your PC over USB. And it apparently doesn’t work for newer Kindles.
I found this trick while researching this post, and I also found a bug report which says that this feature doesn’t work with newer Kindles. I can’t get it to work with my Paperwhites, for example.
But since it might work for you, I’m including it here. Head on over to JetShred for instructions and more details.
All in all, there are a lot of tools out there that either don’t work, aren’t terribly useful, or are intended to work in only specific circumstances.
But I found at least one tool that I like, so I’m good.
Did you find one you could use? Did I miss one?
The comments are open.
image by Terry Madeley via Flickr
William D. O’Neil February 21, 2015 um 10:46 pm
"Look in the documents folder of your E-ink Kindle and you’ll see a file named myclippings.txt. This is a text file of all of the notes and highlights made on your Kindle (but not on the other Kindles or Kindle apps on your account). You can copy this folder to your PC and open it."
Nice try, but not quite. Works on Keyboard but not Paperwhite or Voyage, where there’s a myclippings.sdr folder that’s shown as empty.
Nate Hoffelder February 21, 2015 um 10:58 pm
I had my KPW (2013) sitting next to me when I wrote that. It had the myclippings.txt file.
It was actually "my clippings.txt", but the file is present.
William D. O’Neil February 21, 2015 um 11:25 pm
Not on mine. Nor my Voyage.
Josh July 30, 2021 um 4:21 pm
Did you search *.txt ?
That’s how I found mine.
Unfortunately, this txt file has even less highlights than the redacted export (via "…") in the Kindle Cloud Reader.
In the "my clippings" text file my highlights are 100% missing (not just redacted) and replaced with this statement, on repeat, " "
So currently, the limited extract from bookcision (which used to get around the "you’ve hit your limit" , "…" problem) no longer circumvents this problem, is all that works for me.
Rob Siders February 23, 2015 um 1:14 pm
I see the file on both my KPW and Voyage. It’s strange that you’re not, William.
AltheGreatandPowerful February 22, 2015 um 12:12 am
You take notes? Why?
I use my tablet and kindle for reading, and the tablet for web/maps/apps too, but when I’m doing research I take notes on scratch paper or I do all the work on a real computer. When I’m reading I am doing it TO READ, not for research. When I’m researching I’m either handwriting notes on paper/index card to juggle concepts or I’m cutting and pasting to do the same thing. Neither works for me in my reader or tablet, not at all as handy as on a computer. I don’t mark up books either, because I grew up reading library books where writing in the text or the margins was vandalism.
So what do you make notes for? Why mark up/make notes in a reader?
Nate Hoffelder February 22, 2015 um 6:57 am
Honestly? I mainly just use it to read. When I want to take notes or copy text, I open the ebook in an app on my laptop, and take notes in another app.
As you say, the keyboard is much easier to work with than a touchscreen. But sometimes I do take notes in the ebook – when I’m proofreading an ebook, for example.
Jennifer September 13, 2020 um 8:35 am
I use the notes for my book club- easier than iPad & pen and paper in bed, on beach, in car.
Nicole Normand December 28, 2020 um 1:44 pm
If I may, this far out in the years. I’m a professional reader and I post book reviews on all kinds of planes on the Internet. I take notes on my Kindle so I can remember my first laugh, my confusion, editing that needs to be done, etc.
Ian Wardell May 25, 2022 um 6:40 am
I just do not understand why anyone would ask this question.
I take notes so that whenever I read it in the future my criticisms are already there. Also, if I’m writing a review of the book I need to make notes and comments on what I read! I ain’t gonna use paper and pen to scribble 100’s of words down!
Ian Wardell May 25, 2022 um 6:41 am
1000’s of words I meant.
carmen webster buxton February 22, 2015 um 1:48 am
I love being able to highlight text, especially for a book I plan to review, but also just to make note of things when I read. It’s very easy to copy and paste from the highlights area you mention, just using a web broswer. That works great, so long as the book is one I got from Amazon. If I get a book from another source, like Smashwords or Project Gutenberg, and sideload it to my Kindle, or if I send one of my own manuscrpts to my Kindle, then the software treats those items as "Personal Documents" and any highlighting or notes I make are NOT included in the highlights area on the web. It is annoying as hell!
I know I could use the myclippings file, but that is more work! I can see why they don’t offer the same feature for randown Word documents, but a properly formatted ebook with the correct metadata should be treated as a book, and not a personal document.
Do you know if Amazon has any plans to change this, Nate?
Nate Hoffelder February 22, 2015 um 6:58 am
I don’t know, sorry. I would have thought that the annotations would be accessible through, but they’re not.
Nathan November 28, 2016 um 4:50 pm
Hi Carmen,
I created a python script to format the My Clippings.txt file – it organizes all your notes/highlights into a seperate text document for each book, and formats the quote/note so it looks more presentable than how it is in My Clippings.txt.
You can find it here:
When you download it, just place Kindle Clippings Parser into the same directory as your My Clippings.txt. Then open your terminal app (in Mac, hold Command and hit the spacebar, then type "terminal" and select the Terminal application that comes up). type "python ./", hit space, and then drag and drop Kindle Clippings Parser into the terminal, and hit enter.
That should run the program, and you should see one file of highlights/notes created per book.
Let me know if that doesn’t help.
Cristina Acosta May 10, 2017 um 9:42 am
Hi Nathan, that sounds pretty cool! However, the link is not there anymore, could you please post it again?
Can that script also get bookmarks per book? If not, do you have a script that does that? I’d be super grateful!
Felipe Adan Lerma February 22, 2015 um 6:50 am
Invaluable! Thanks Nate, am saving this for reference.
Mike February 22, 2015 um 12:14 pm
I rather think the simplest option is the one in the attached image. There’s nothing quite so easy, flexible and kinaesthetically satisfying as scribbling down half formed thoughts or keywords, then doodling a few connecting lines between linked concepts, perhaps adding an explanatory diagram or sketching a small image to serve as an aide memoir.
I don’t make notes digitally. I read source text digitally and while I’m doing it, my hand is moving with a mind of its own across a primitive sheet of cellulose, making notes a very human way that no technology has yet managed to improve upon.
Perhaps I’m a heretic, posting such a thing on this, of all forums! So when you stone me, make sure you’re using the scrunched up refuse from my waste paper bin! (I recycle it, of course!)
William D. O’Neil February 22, 2015 um 4:32 pm
The highlighting function is invaluable for any serious research use of Kindle books, and a major reason why I like Kindle. (A major pain is the Kindle books that don’t have real page numbers). I often finish a book with hundreds of highlights. Better than a print book with hundreds of tape flags, not to say cheaper.
Notes not so much, at least for me. Your suggestions are very helpful.
AltheGreatandPowerful February 23, 2015 um 1:06 am
Are there enough research sources in your field that are in Kindle format? I work in contract archaeology, where reports and sources are gradually being scanned into pdf, but there’s nothing much useful in Kindle format.
Viktor March 13, 2021 um 11:15 am
You can easily convert formats. Say pdf to mobi or epub.
Daily Links: Tumblr blocking infringing content | The eBook Evangelist February 23, 2015 um 2:01 pm
[…] How to Download Your Kindle Notes and Highlights and Export Them (Ink, Bits and Pixels) […]
Yup March 19, 2015 um 2:33 pm
today I published my new developed tool for viewing and finding of kindle notes.
The app is available at for free.
Nate Hoffelder March 19, 2015 um 2:57 pm
Arabella September 1, 2015 um 5:21 am
Awesome Nate – thanks for a huge time-saver. Arabella
OtisW October 7, 2015 um 5:08 pm
thank you so much for this post, I thought I lost notes from I’m reading for a course……omg….awesome
sam November 7, 2015 um 9:47 pm
I can’t believe you dissed Their chrome extension saves so much time, and well worth the price if you are importing your notes on a daily basis.
Writing Historical Fiction Starts with Research #19 – Citations – Author K. Williams November 9, 2015 um 12:01 pm
[…] So you have your bibliography manager. Did you know that in most cases you can open up a book’s page online and press a button to include it like the snap of a finger into your bibliography? No fuss, no muss. It’s a great feature offered by Flow. Then you can export your list to a word document and use each listing, as I mentioned above, as a header for your notes. Your reading might be slowed by taking notes while you read, but I found it helped reinforce the information. If you are more comfortable with flagging the page, or dog-earing the corner and highlighting, that is cool too. You might be using a kindle, and you can make notes right on the kindle and export those out. […]
Nate Hoffelder November 15, 2015 um 8:46 am
@ Sam
It costs money, and there are free alternatives.
Glenn Dixon January 11, 2016 um 11:29 am
Bookcision! That was just what I needed! Thanks for this post…
Jane January 24, 2016 um 5:56 pm
They all seem restricted to – won’t work for which we are obliged to use in Australia. Any suggestions?
Nate Hoffelder January 24, 2016 um 6:19 pm
I refer to the main Kindle site in this post but I can’t tell you whether the tools will work elsewhere.
Have you tried the tools?
I would think Evernote would work, and Bookcision doesn’t show any code that mentions
Chris Bedford February 7, 2016 um 11:43 am
All of no use if you didn’t buy the book through amazon, apparently.
I (proof)read writings of unpublished / amateur authors on a cooperation website but sitting at a computer to do that is not much fun. I want to read on a book-like device and the kindle app is perfect for that. So I annotate on the kindle itself, because 99% of my notes are just highlighting of the text itself, I don’t need to write out my corrections at that point.
So the standard procedure is to download the PDF or EPUB version of the document (or highlight/copy/paste from the website into Word), then upload to kindle via, a free service that works amazingly well.
Sadly there doesn’t seem to be a way to get the annotations made for documents like this. So, great to make the notes without having to chop down the Amazonian rain forest, but it looks like I still have to transcribe my notes by "10-finger interface" after I’ve finished reading. Such a waste of time and effort – the bits are already in electronic format, but now they have to go through an analogue meat connection to get back into electronic format again.
Nate Hoffelder February 7, 2016 um 12:26 pm
You’re right. I just tried a book I loaded via send-to-kindle, and I couldn’t get at the notes.
While we’re on the topic, what device are you using to proofread? If you’re using a Kindle, you should be able to get the highlights from the "myclippings.txt" file on the Kindle itself.
Chris Bedford February 7, 2016 um 2:10 pm
I don’t have an actual Kindle – I’m using the app on an iPad. I haven’t tried accessing the files on it, but I seem to remember the last time I did look at the iPad as a USB drive all I could see was the DCIM folder containing my photo roll.
Nate Hoffelder February 7, 2016 um 2:25 pm
Hey Chris,
Thanks for making me go look for a solution; I found one.
The Kindle iOS app has a special notebook menu for your annotations, and that menu has an export option where you can email the notebook to yourself.
The notebook menu can be accessed from inside a book; click the "sheet of paper" icon in the upper right corner.
The export button is in the upper right corner of the notebook menu.
Yu-Kuan February 15, 2016 um 7:32 pm
Hi Nate,
I looked all over but could not find the export option you’re talking about. I clicked on the "sheet of paper" icon, but I believe it’s not in the upper right corner, but in the bottom right, just above the reading progress bar on iPhone Kindle apps, correct? Once I click on this "sheet of paper" icon, I see all my previous highlights with options to star, delete, and jump to location. But I see no option for exporting. Where did you find this option to export by email?
Nate Hoffelder February 15, 2016 um 7:44 pm
Hi Yu-Kuan,
I think we may have identified a difference between the Kindle iPad and iPhone apps. As you can see in the following screenshot, the Kindle iPad app has an option to export notes as either email or flashcards.
Chris Bedford February 7, 2016 um 2:32 pm
Maaaaaannn, I feel so stoopid. I looked at that button (export, which I have always thought of as "send to") more than once today while looking at how to create the notes… and overlooked it every time.
Thanks Nate. Sometimes it just takes a fresh(er) pair of eyes. Or maybe a less angily frustrated pair.
Nate Hoffelder February 7, 2016 um 4:00 pm
That’s the curse of universal design elements. If you see something in all the apps then you forget to check if you can use it.
Jane February 20, 2016 um 6:11 pm
It seems that even on the iPad Kindle 4.17 this is only available for SOME books, mostly textbooks.
Jane February 20, 2016 um 6:14 pm
Bookcision writes "I’m sorry to say that Bookcision can’t be used by folks outside of the US. This is an Amazon limitation, and not one that I have imposed."
Luxen March 5, 2016 um 4:08 pm
I make all my highlights and notes on my kindle fire hdx and then I open my converted book (by kindle) on my iPhone kindle app and I am able to export all notes/highlights from personal documents without issue. It is also very organized: by location and note piece/highlights—Tittle and APA, Chicago, or MLA format. This is a great feature for those of us that had notes trapped on the kindle fire, and it works on all my personal documents (even ones converted by Calibre) —
Nate Hoffelder March 5, 2016 um 4:43 pm
Great! I’m glad it worked for you!
Luxen April 5, 2016 um 1:58 am
I would like to report that the export highlights feature is now accessible in android. I downloaded the kindle app for android this morning and was surprised to see a 'Export Notebook options ' on the top right corner. This works for personal docs and side-loaded books.
Nate Hoffelder April 5, 2016 um 7:09 am
Great! Thanks for letting us know!
S. J. Pajonas April 4, 2016 um 7:09 pm
I have a friend who beta reads for me. She reads the book on her iPhone Kindle app, making notes along the way, and when the time comes, she screenshots each of her notes and puts them into Evernote, sharing the note with me. It works.
Kindle for Android Update v4.22 Adds Flash Cards, Export Option for Your Notes and Highlights | The Digital Reader April 5, 2016 um 9:22 am
[…] is the way you can export your notes in the form of an email. This was the easiest way to download/export your Kindle notes and highlights, hands down, and now the feature has come to the Kindle app for Android (but not the Fire […]
tim h April 9, 2016 um 3:44 pm
My paperwhite, up to day as of april 2016, has a My Clippings.txt folder that has everything in it. The My Clippings folder is empty, but the text file is full.
Holger E. April 10, 2016 um 8:03 am and Bookcision seem to work fine even for non-US users. I am buying everything from Germany at, but can find all my kindle books and my highlights using Great post, very helpful, thanks!
An ecosystem for reading ebooks – The e-ink reader saga Part 5 | Rope and Tire May 26, 2016 um 3:31 pm
[…] I want to be able to download these notes/highlights off the cloud (how to do it?) […]
The Kindle Chronicles – Now available for pre-order: Smaller, lighter Kindle at the same $80 Price June 22, 2016 um 9:04 am
[…] and Calibre. See Nate Hoffelder’s useful comparison of the existing annotation-export options here. Nate points out that the Kindle apps for iOS and Android already offer the option to export your […]
Roger Wolkoff July 13, 2016 um 2:17 pm
Um… freaking brilliant! Saved me a s–t ton of copy paste. Also like that it capture my notes. And yes, some of us take notes on the Kindle. If I see something and I don’t want to lose the idea, I make an electronic note then and there. Not all of us carry around pen and paper. Extracts Notes and Highlights from Your Kobo eReader | The Digital Reader July 15, 2016 um 10:32 am
[…] makes it easy for Kindle users to download their notes and highlights, but we can't say the same for Kobo, which obscures a user's notes in a […]
Tess August 11, 2016 um 6:34 am
I have some ebooks that are not showing up on my kindle account because I did not buy them through amazon. How do I get the notes from those books and other pdf files (from university readings) into a word document or a pdf file.
Nate Hoffelder August 11, 2016 um 6:59 am
That depends. What did you read on – a Kindle, Fire tablet, app, etc?
There are special tricks for each option. The apps, for example, will let you share your notes from a book as an email.
How to export and edit highlights from your Kindle August 19, 2016 um 7:45 am
[…] appear to be a number of ways to export the highlights from your kindle. I chose what appeared the simplest – to email them to myself. (With the book open in the […]
Suzanne October 4, 2016 um 8:40 am
I’m finding it depends what format the non-Kindle ebook comes in as (I get review copies of business books and like to take notes). I have one that has come in as a PDF and I cannot see the notes in or on iOs. The other has come in as a DOC and I can on ioS!
Catloverr October 5, 2016 um 9:30 am
I would like to report that the export to highlights feature is now accessible to the kindle fire hdx without rooting. The latest update I believe has made this possible. I have tested it myself.
PDF won’t work on kindle unless you use adobe reader to view and make highlights and export the saved document to your PC. PDF.. EPUB.. They are all completely different formats not handled by Anazon.
HarveyCN October 10, 2016 um 6:48 am
I’d like to recommend a neat and free tool Kindle Mate for Windows to import and export your clippings(highlights and notes) and vocabulary words as well, as an offline alternative.
I am the developer and welcome any input. Pease feel free to let me know if you have any feedback or issues.
Nate Hoffelder October 10, 2016 um 7:27 am
Cool! Thanks for the heads up!
Jo Lynne Lockley March 20, 2021 um 8:06 pm
I have kindle mate and am frustrated. I use it for Spanish vocabulary. I cannot download the definitions,
because the FN, which is necessary to activate F12, is too far from that key for my not very small hand to span.
The definitions must be downloaded prior to the .db file, I think. I cannot find a way to erase the downloaded words, except book by boo, Is there one? Attempting to access the definition from edit manage word definitions imports zero definitions. (from within the book.) The dictionary choices are limited to Chinese and Wictionary.
Also, I would like to download only specific books, Kindle Mate seems to download the vocabulary from all or none.
I would appreciate suggestions.
HarveyCN October 10, 2016 um 9:41 am
Thanks Nate! It really helps. There also is a full list of Kindle clippings tool at for your reference, besides of Kindle Mate.
Looking forward to your further assessment update. Have a nice day! 🙂
BDR October 10, 2016 um 10:05 am
FWIW, the Calibre clipping fetch feature is working again in 2.63 for my PW3 — it was broken for me in earlier versions — but Kindle Mate is a much better solution.
Pavel October 21, 2016 um 10:11 am
Thank you! Very useful.
Nate Hoffelder October 21, 2016 um 11:14 am
Andre November 20, 2016 um 6:48 am
Do you know if the simplest way (copy text from myclipping.txt to any place you want) works with books not purchased in Amazon?
I mean, if I have a epub book, convert it in mobi, highlighted it, and so on… This notes will be recorded in myclipping.txt?
Thanks in advance!
Nate Hoffelder November 20, 2016 um 9:13 am
Yes, they will be recorded in that file.
But you would be better off uploading the ebook to your Kindle account first. That way the annotations would sync across all your devices.
Nathan Zorndorf November 28, 2016 um 4:53 pm
My notes/highlights are located on my kindle as "My Clippings.txt". I found My Clippings.txt by plugging my kindle into my computer via USB. The Formatting of "My Clippings.txt" is pretty bad, so I made a python script that seperates notes by book, and formats everything a bit more nicely.
You can find it here:
When you download it, just place Kindle Clippings Parser into the same directory as your My Clippings.txt. Then open your terminal app (in Mac, hold Command and hit the spacebar, then type "terminal" and select the Terminal application that comes up). type "python ./", hit space, and then drag and drop Kindle Clippings Parser into the terminal, and hit enter.
That should run the program, and you should see one file of highlights/notes created per book.
Gary December 12, 2016 um 9:26 pm
Amazon has a nice web page to view all your notes and highlights. I believe this to be a very nice unadvertised feature.
C March 20, 2017 um 7:42 pm
It seems like some of the other "turbulence" similar to this issue relates to porting Notes in Personal (non-Amazon) documents; and it seems that that is totally NOT supported by Amazon. I can imagine the reason being that they want people to buy Amazon -based or -marketed books. However, do you think it might be possible to induce them to perhaps develop an app that cost more than the normal, but yet would allow book enthusiasts to port &/or author their notes (or even push/pull/share them, like a book club!) wherever they want? I would be willing to pay $100 for such an app, if it lasted with support forever.. (Maybe I’m dreaming and should just go rights more fiction!)
..Thanks much for all your research!
Sonia April 20, 2017 um 1:47 pm
Thanks so much for this. I have been reading books on my Kindle for years and did not know that Amazon had a special place for viewing my highlights and notes. I have a Chromebook so the Bookcision works perfectly. Thanks again!
A Dozen Tools for Managing Your Kindle Notes and Highlights | The Digital Reader April 20, 2017 um 10:34 pm
[…] several Kindle ebooks, so I gathered together a dozen tools and decided to post a new version of my two-year-old post on Kindle annotation […]
JULIANO July 19, 2017 um 5:13 pm
hi! have you ever sent books (pdf files) to kindle by email? So I did it!
I like to read it at the e-ink kindle. I have made a lot of notes on it. But for my surprise these files that we send by e-mail to e-reader kindle isnt showing up at other apps kindle or even at the amazon website.
Do you have any idea how to solve this issue?
Nate Hoffelder July 19, 2017 um 8:34 pm
The ebooks should show up in the other apps; you just have to download them from inside the apps.
And they do show up on the Amazon website – they’re just listed under docs (for personal documents).
Juliano July 19, 2017 um 9:10 pm
I dont know what you mean by "download them from the app". I send them by email to my kindle account. In my e-readed e-ink its showing up and I can read and manke notes, but theyare not showing up in any other device, since amazon or kindle PC. Even when I send it with "convert" in the subject email.
Nate Hoffelder July 19, 2017 um 9:30 pm
Let me see if I can show you where they are hiding.
In the Kindle Android app, open the 3-line menu. Scroll down and select the option for "Docs".
That’s where your files should be listed.
Aaron November 21, 2017 um 8:25 pm
Anyone here knows how to track books you got on your kindle through other means, ie not through amazon store. Asking for a friend.
Taking Notes on Your Kindle – and Finding Them Again by Kitty Bucholtz February 9, 2018 um 11:39 pm
[…] on your own “notebook” page today when researching a question I had for this article. (Here’s the 2015 article I found mentioning it.) I couldn’t find Deb’s book in my “notebook,” so I played around with […]
Bhavin March 24, 2018 um 3:17 pm
Thank you for sharing this information.
For the Term of His Natural Life by Marcus Clarke | Book Around The Corner May 10, 2018 um 12:14 pm
[…] PS: I thought I’d share a tip about downloading the quote you highlighted while reading on a kindle. See here. […]
Ivan Smirnov July 15, 2018 um 3:45 pm
Pfff. Just use Adnroid/iOS Kindle app. There has export highlights in few taps.
Arun Swamy September 12, 2018 um 11:14 pm
The simplest way is to go to the Kindle Cloud Reader ( on any browser, log in to find your books and on the top left there is an icon that looks like a page which is your Notes and highlights. Click on it and there they are. Or you can go directly to that by entering (It may ask you to enter a verification code sent to your email.)
Stanimal September 16, 2018 um 5:10 am
Thank you! Didn’t realize all highlights were in the txt file on the kindle. This made my life so much easier!
Nate Hoffelder September 16, 2018 um 7:24 am
A Powerful Reading Method that Will Dramatically Improve Your English (3 Tips and a Step-by-Step Guide) | To Fluency October 25, 2018 um 12:29 pm
[…] the sentences that you have highlighted and export them (here’s how to do this on a Kindle). This works for ebooks and paper […]
Kindle App als Recherche-Tool? – Weblog von Prof. Dipl.-Des. Oliver Wrede March 13, 2019 um 6:52 am
[…] Informationen aus Kindle heraus bekommen muss, um damit sinnvoll weiterzuarbeiten. Nate Hoffelder hatte vor einiger Zeit mal die damaligen Möglichkeiten untersucht, wie man diese Notizen weiterverarbeiten […]
Vikarti Anatra March 14, 2019 um 1:40 am
There is at least one other option – (
This is mac AppStore app which allows you to export highlights/notes from iBooks, Kindle (as in 'eInk Kindle connected to computer'), Amazon Kindle Store (as in 'enter your amazon account and password').
It exports it’s data to markdown file or directly to Evernote.
It also wants subscription for any real usage.
Nate Hoffelder March 14, 2019 um 8:01 am
Tom S March 14, 2019 um 2:40 am
I think most of these things are obsolete, or at least inferior to what Amazon provides for content purchased from them:
– You can export notes directly from at least 7th generation or later Kindles, if it is a book bought from Amazon. An email with notes attachment goes to the account email used to register the Kindle.
– On Kindle clippings.txt is required only for sideloaded ‘documents’. If you use Send To Kindle to store Personal Documents in cloud, then any notes or highlights created for those on a Kindle can be exported using Kindle app for iOS, Android or Fire (via email client on the device).
– clippings.txt contains only those notes and highlights created on that particular Kindle. It won’t have those created on a different Kindle or Kindle app. It’s pretty much useless except for the side-loading use case (which has its following). It is really to be considered a last resort.
– does have all notes and highlights created for books purchased from Amazon (use Search to find the book). If it is Personal Document, then you need to use one of the Kindle mobile apps to export. There’s no export feature on the web site, but it is easy to use copy paste. Someone has probably got a browser extension to export from there.
– don’t know what the situation is for the Windows and macOS app – haven’t checked lately.
Nate Hoffelder March 14, 2019 um 8:02 am
" does have all notes and highlights created for books purchased from Amazon"
It didn’t for me. I checked with a book I bought from Amazon, and I could see more notes on my Fire tablet than on
Nate Hoffelder March 14, 2019 um 8:50 am
No, I think I was wrong.
How to Download Your Kindle Notes and Highlights and Export Them (Updated for 2018) March 14, 2019 um 10:15 am
[…] doesn’t make it easy for us to do that, but luckily there are other ways. Back in 20… Read More (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || […]
Nina March 17, 2019 um 12:35 am
Nate, can you please share any trick to export highlighted notes in an .epub book which one reads in other non-kindle apps?
Daniel Doyon March 17, 2019 um 7:58 pm
Hey Nate, here’s another service for downloading Kindle notes and highlights to add to your list:
Readwise (
Full disclosure: I am one of the creators and Readwise is a paid service after a one-month free trial. We maintain Bookcision as open source for those seeking a free alternative 🙂
Readwise uses a browser extension to automatically download your Kindle highlights from the cloud, with no effort required on your part. We also support highlights from side-loaded books and documents through My Clippings.txt.
Beyond Kindle, we have integrations with Apple Books, Instapaper, Highly, and Medium (for articles), and a few others. We’re constantly adding more sources.
Once synchronized, you can export your highlights in bulk to Evernote or Markdown or you can easily copy one-off highlights for use in writing and elsewhere.
Note, however, that downloading and exporting highlights is not our primary purpose: The core of Readwise is that we help you easily and consistently review your highlights, so that you actually get practical use out of them. We do this by resurfacing a "daily review" of your best highlights.
Nate Hoffelder March 17, 2019 um 8:02 pm
What great timing! I was just updating another related post, and your service makes for a great addition.
M. Cameron Harris December 24, 2020 um 1:49 pm
I’ve been using since it came out and it’s become a crucial component in my research and learning workflow. It keeps getting better.
Readwise implements the spaced review learning method (for those using it for learning and retention of concepts). It works very well. Readwise also backs up (exports) my highlights and notes to multiple destinations and/or formats, including Evernote, Notion, markup (which renders beautifully in Ulysses), and CSV (which can be opened in Excel or other spreadsheet app, or in a text editor).
Dmitriy March 17, 2019 um 10:37 pm
Daniel, does Readwise supports importing highlights from non-Kindle Store books from Amazon(aka 'Personal Documents' sent via 'Send-to-kindle' ) or only way it’s supported is when book was read on this specific kindle eInk device and 'upload MyClippings.txt' was used?
Is there way to upload highlights exported from Mantano’s Bookari Reader?
Tim March 21, 2019 um 4:18 am
This has helped me a lot so I want to give back my experience.
I’ve got a recent Paperwhite and I take many notes and highlights as I read books bought primarily through Amazon. I do also read the odd pdf book that I send via email to Kindle using the subject line "convert" so it shows nicely in Kindle format.
This is great but I can’t get at the highlights/notes that I make in the pdf books like I can via Amazon for the books I buy from them.
So the solution is quite easy: I just plug the Kindle into my Mac and navigate to the Documents/My Clippings.txt on the Kindle and there are all my notes and highlights of all books, including the pdf ones. I can then copy and paste them into my external notes as usual.
Thanks for keeping this old post going so long!
David March 24, 2019 um 4:32 pm
Hi Nate,
I’m currently working on Readsmart (
You can sync your highlights automatically from Kindle Cloud Reader or you can import all your documents (including pdfs) from your My Clippings.txt file.
We believe we can help readers build a repository of knowledge ready to access anywhere, anytime. (to those familiar with the concept, this would be a digital "commonplace book").
What you do with those highlights and notes, is what makes the time reading books worthwhile.
Patricia Kimball March 26, 2019 um 4:00 pm
I copied a lot of "notes" from CHURCHILL (1104+ pages) to Export from my Kindle to my email. Alas, it seems the file must be too big; I can’t get it to arrive, although it always says "sending".
Anyone know a workaround for this (getting Notes) or what the maximum file-size for export is?
Zsolt Csillag March 29, 2019 um 5:27 pm
My Clippings Manager for Amazon Kindle does exactly this.
It will process and categorize your Kindle My Clippings.txt in seconds.
All you need to do is to click on a book title and you will see all the clippings of that book in order.
You can even set it to skip or include the location and timestamp line.
Nate Hoffelder March 31, 2019 um 7:06 am
Jen July 20, 2019 um 3:12 pm
In the kindle cloud reader, there was a notebook right next to the refresh button. It gave me all notes and highlights in a new window. Then I could copy and paste. (Top left in safari on mac)
nancy August 2, 2019 um 12:25 pm
August 2019: I have been reading, loving and exporting notes from my Kindle Paperwhite for 5 years.
Suddenly I am no longer able to highlight phrases or sentences. I can still highlight a single word, and it comes up with the dictionary. But the phrase or sentence now also comes up with the dictionary, and no other options are possible. I highlight, but cannot select "highlight". When I tap the page to save the highlight, it disappears.
I love the highlight feature. I often read and export notes, especially when reading in Spanish. I would look for another e-reader if this is no longer supported.
Bob Riley August 8, 2019 um 9:39 am
The easiest way I have found is just to use the Kindle App for Windows (and maybe mac). It has build-in export capability. Just click on the Export button then "Save As", and it will dump to an HTML file.
Rob August 11, 2019 um 6:45 pm
The Kindle Fire will not export the "popular highlights".
Matthew Morrison August 15, 2019 um 1:24 am
Hey Nate,
Looks like we’ve got one more to add to the mix. Note Extractor for Kindle is also a one click export option. Just sign up for an account. There’s a free trial that you can extend by sharing the app.
Nate Hoffelder August 15, 2019 um 6:40 am
Nice! Thanks for the heads up!
David Gonzalez August 25, 2019 um 10:54 pm
When I export my highlights I get "highlight color yellow" for each highlight. Can I turn this off? Thanks in advance.
Sherri September 30, 2019 um 2:35 am
Please help! I’ve read and highlighted/made notes in many kindle books. However yesterday I tried texpor my notes and highlights from kindle. It ONLY EXPORTED HIGHLIGHTS AND NOTES FROM THE FIRST PART OF THE BOOK. The rest others book just listed the chapter titles. None of my highlights for the last half of the book are exported to the html dole via small.
Is my file too big? (I’m a prolific highlighter and note taker!) Or is there a way to select o my a portion of the book to export at a time? Even if o have to explore it in segments, I just don’t want to lose all of my work. I’d like to be able to copy my highlights and notes into another app like Evernote or MSWord. Can you help? Thanks in advance!
Zsolt Csillag October 8, 2019 um 7:28 am
I use My Clippings Manager for Amazon Kindle for years and works perfectly for me :
Nate Hoffelder October 8, 2019 um 9:19 pm
Shaun Lee November 19, 2019 um 7:03 pm
Hey nate, has all the notes and highlights from my kindle books. For documents that I highlighted, I will still need to access the myclippings text file…
Don Fischer January 6, 2020 um 2:36 am
Nate: Thank you very much. Great article. I went to my iPad Pro, iOS, went to the notes and clicked on the paper icon. It said Export Notes to Flashcards or Email. I had to set up the email account. I used Google and used the recommended address (I could not get it to take the addresses I proposed). When I went to Export and picked email, the email client gave me a template with the notes attached. I sent it to my own addresses. When I opened the attached I chose Word as the app to open it with. The notes came through very nicely.
Thanks for the leads and, once the email is set up on the iOS device, it is a simple proecess.
David January 21, 2020 um 4:31 pm
But what is it is a document and not a book? is not showing docs?
Nate Hoffelder January 22, 2020 um 9:23 am
it does not, no
but you can still download the notes from the iOS app
Beth January 29, 2020 um 9:00 pm
I’m amazed and disappointed that you’ve trash-talked You obviously haven’t done your research……….
Shauna February 1, 2020 um 3:31 pm
When I go to send my email from my notebook, it tells me my email is not set up. Where do I go to add my email address?
I’m using the app on an iPad as well as my Android phone.
Tom Bech February 26, 2020 um 7:29 am
Hey, great article.
I have now the issue, that only part of the notes I highlighted in an ebook are transfered to Amazon or can be exported due to export limitations. A message pops up that only 10% of the book as notes can be exported, and it seems I have highlighted more parts than 10% of the book?! While I can see all the notes in the kindle app on iOS or in Windows, I can’t export them fully.
Any advise?
Nate Hoffelder March 1, 2020 um 3:40 pm
no, sorry!
Casper June 1, 2020 um 2:17 am
I’ve seen one way to overcome limitations.
Kindly read and follow
It has worked for me 01 June 2020.
The only comment is that long highlights (i don’t know how long but people in the comments say that approximate 1-1,5 page) may be hidden and truncated.
All of other highlights (including those that exceed limits) seem to be seen and copied.
Vasya June 1, 2020 um 2:22 am
I’ve seen this worked 01 June 2020 and exported all highlights (including those that exceed the limits).
Only one comment: long highlights (maybe 1-1,5 page) can be truncated. But all of the other highlights seem to be extracted.
Olivier Cotasson March 11, 2020 um 1:46 pm is the way to go.
ILENE Goldman March 25, 2020 um 9:16 am
I’m trying to download or email to myself notes I took on a document I emailed to my Kindle. It’s not showing up in my Kindle Notes & Highlights on the e-Reader. Any ideas?
These are notes I’ve taken on my friends novel in progress, so they’re really important to me.
Nate Hoffelder March 25, 2020 um 12:43 pm
I’m not sure, sorry
Adam Porter April 1, 2020 um 1:03 pm
On my paperwhite, the "export notes" (from the 3-dot menu when reading the book) appears only for books purchased from Amazon. Library books or other texts (PDFs you may have sent) don’t have this option. If you can / when you do export notes, it creates an CSV file and a PDF file.
Weirdly, the option is there for the Android Kindle Reader — you can export notes both from Amazon purchases and library / other documents. But it saves them in an HTML file and gives you the option for a citation format (MLA, Chicago, or None). The citation only appears at the very top of the HTML document, so it’s pretty easy to copy the actual notes into another program if you want.
Nate Hoffelder April 1, 2020 um 5:07 pm
I think Amazon expects you to use the actual text file from your PW.
Or maybe the programmers goofed, and no one caught it yet?
Adrian April 9, 2020 um 6:29 am
Just search for the file "My Clippings" and there you have it stored on your Paperwhite.
Como Exportar Notas e Destaques (Highlights) do Kindle – Eduardo Mozart May 9, 2020 um 5:52 pm
[…] How to Download Your Kindle Notes and Highlights and Export Them (Updated for 2019). The Digital Reader, 2019. […]
Martin May 19, 2020 um 9:24 am
Found a good free alternative . You just have to drag and drop your myclippings.txt file and it export it as a csv. Then I edit my highlights as I want on Excel or Google Sheet (Or even Evernote). Very easy and fast tool
Tex June 29, 2020 um 6:09 pm
(Posting comment because of the June 2020 update to this article.)
Long story short, nearly every reader/app uses their own walled-gardens for notes/highlights, with absolutely no care about compatibility/portability outside their ecosystems.
Back in 2017 on MobileRead, I wrote a few posts about EPUB + the "Web Annotations" standard:
And sad to say, as of June 2020, there’s still barely anything that uses this stuff. Best you can currently do is export crappy TXT or poorly formatted snippets.
Jay June 30, 2020 um 2:27 pm
First, great article. Thank you for keeping it updated. Next I see a lot of questions online about people, such as myself, panicking when all their notes and highlights and bookmarks are "gone" from their Kindle. And I think that need probably drives some people to this article, so I wanted to add this additional commentary.
Kindle stores our bookmarks notes highlights "in the cloud". Your Kindle device, or iOS device, or android device, or whatever device you’re using to get to your kindle books, accesses that information also. What that means is if any of that information appears to be missing from your Kindle, that’s OK! It’s still in the cloud. To get it back to your device you simply need to 'sync' your books again. Now there is a button on your Kindle cleverly labelled Sync, THAT’S NOT IT. ? That just gets recently purchased books etc added to your Kindle, which it will do automatically eventually anyway.
What you need to do to get your books marks highlights and notes back…
'Remove' the book from your device, which will take a couple seconds. And then tap the icon which is still on your device for that book. Which will cause it to re-download to your device, and… Get all your notes, Highlights and bookmarks back! Yay!
Stacey September 19, 2020 um 1:39 pm
Thank you! Worked like a charm!
Nate Hoffelder September 19, 2020 um 5:19 pm
OogieM November 9, 2020 um 11:34 am
Unfortunately the solution presented for iPad does not work for anything but highlights in books purchased from Amazon. If you add a .mobi file of a book to your device and then make highlights in it. tapping the top shows the notebook page ico. Tapping that shows the list of ht ehighlights but the gotcha is that there is no option to share the highlights in any fashion at all. I have screen shots showing what is actually displayed on Amazon purchased vs sideloaded books. iPad os 14.1 Kindle app version
Nate Hoffelder November 9, 2020 um 11:38 am
There are two ways to sideload ebooks into the Kindle app. It sounds like you used the one where you loaded the ebook on to your iPad, and then opened it in the Kindle app.
If you upload that ebook to Amazon, and then download it to your iPad’s Kindle app, you will have the export feature. (I just checked, and can confirm this.)
OogieM November 9, 2020 um 12:01 pm
I didn’t even know you could upload via Amazon at all. I know about the send to kindle via email but that presumes you use your iPad for email and I don’t . My email is POP only so I never use it on any mobile device. Send to kindle seems to only go to Kindle devices not the app on other mobile devices. What am I missing?
Nate Hoffelder November 9, 2020 um 2:46 pm
I email ebooks from my laptop, actually.
Once they are on Amazon’s servers, they can be downloaded to the Kindle iPad app.
OogieM November 9, 2020 um 5:58 pm
After trying that I can’t get the .mobi files to actually get transferred to my iPad via email and Amazon support is useless
DaveD November 16, 2020 um 10:44 pm
I found the My Clippings.txt file (basic Kindle), but everything (i.e., highlights, bookmarks, notes) is jumbled together for all books and docs that have ever been on your Kindle. I copied the file to my PC and wrote a small python program to pull out and organize the data (drop the book marks, just grab book(s) I want, etc.). I did not find anything else that worked very well (including Calibre).
Vishal December 12, 2020 um 1:58 am
Can you share that python program please?
Nicole Normand December 28, 2020 um 1:53 pm
I know not everyone likes but your clippings are also there if you have an account. If you need your notes to write a review or something else you can cut and paste. You can make them private or public and you can delete them as you go. I personally use the notes to write reviews and such but I also use them when I find something interesting in the book and want to Google it later on (so I highlight it for future use). Let’s say someone is using the Imperial system in 1802 so I highlight the passage, then Google it, and find that it was invented in 1824…
On another note, I came here a few times in the last months and I would like to know if there’s a way to let me know when you write something new? I’m not exactly sure if this is a blog or not and don’t know how to subscribe. Thanks!
Julia Frey December 30, 2020 um 5:31 am
Help! Until around September 2020 I had no trouble getting my notes and highlights by occasionally simply copying the "my clippings.txt" file from my kindle paperwhite to my MacBook Air, then deleting that version of the""my clippings.txt" file from my Kindle. But today when I went in to copy the latest version, it wasn’t there. The only thing I can find in my Kindle documents folder is a folder called "my clippings.sdr" It contains two versions of a small file from march 2020, one lending in .mbp1 and the other ending in .mbs (I have no application that will open either of those files, but in any case they were saved before my current set of notes and highlights.)
There is NO "my clippings.txt" file anywhere on my Kindle. However, if I re-load the iCloud version of something I’ve read and removed bacmyk onto device, the notes and highlights are still in the individual book text. Nonetheless, opening and cloing or re-starting my Kindle doesn’t restore the "my clippings.txt to my Kindle . I don’t know what I’ve done wrong or how to restore the "my clippings.txt" function. Any suggestions ?
Margaret D. August 3, 2021 um 10:15 am
Did you ever get a solution, Julia? I have the same issue with "clippings", although I’m able to download notes when I’m inside a book I’m reading. I have tons of "notes" that are in my Kindle under *.mbs and *.mbp1 files which I cannot open. Thanks!
Heather December 30, 2020 um 12:27 pm
Hi. I have recently joined the Kindle readers gang by downloading the Kindle app on my Samsung Galaxy S20. I purchased my first book, a graphic novel, and I want to make notes on some of the pages but I can’t figure out how to do this. I’ve googled everything I can possible think of, which is how I landed on your blog here. Am I able to annotate in the margins, as it were, while reading on my android? If so, please explain!
Nanette February 25, 2021 um 9:07 am
Hi Heather,
On my Samsung Galaxy S2 I can tap & hold on a word to highlight. In the bar that appears there is also an option 'Notes'.
Hope this helps.
Kind regards,
Trish Caldwell January 18, 2021 um 7:36 am
If you use GoodReads, you can access your highlights from there under "My Kindle Notes & Highlights"
Nanette February 25, 2021 um 9:03 am
Hi Trish,
This only works for books actually purchased through Amazon (not for the books I added myself (via Docx)).
Kind regards,
Catherine Tucker January 27, 2021 um 1:12 pm
This is a really old post, but I’m praying you still respond here.
I can get to the export notes section on my iPad, but it says my email address isn’t set up? I can’t find a place to "set up" my email address for Kindle.
Nate Hoffelder January 27, 2021 um 9:49 pm
Do you have Apple’s email client set up on your iPad? I am pretty sure that is what they are asking for.
The app is called "Mail".
Michael February 14, 2021 um 4:21 pm
Interesting information but too old for Kindle on the PC at least. I found that I can only use Kindle’s export which is limited to 10%. Everything else is now in encrypted files. Personally, I am not interested in the highlights which is driving the 10% limitation. I want to export my notes (my own writing) but found this limitation stops this from happening except for the first quarter of the book. I’m a researcher and make a lot of comments. I am only interested in my notes and what page. I am having to consider going back to index cards and the printed book.
Josef Pirkl February 24, 2021 um 4:36 am
see here, free application for kindle notes import/export:
Nanette February 25, 2021 um 9:05 am
Hi Trish,
I don’t have a 'MyClippings.txt'. I’m thinking this only works for actual Kindles, not for the Kindle-app (on Android phonetablet).
And/or: This only works for books actually purchased through Amazon (not for the books I added myself (via Docx)).
Kind regards,
Viktor March 13, 2021 um 11:23 am
I’ve successfully got all my highlights with the myclippings.txt file, but is there any way that I could directly translate those written highlights into actual highlights on the book pdf file on my computer?? I could imagine it wouldn’t be hard to program an app to do that automatically.
Josef Pirkl March 15, 2021 um 10:46 am can try this:
Ruben February 9, 2022 um 12:36 pm
I created a simple webpage to convert the html files into markdown which have proven very helpful for me and my friends since we mostly use Obsidian and Notion among us and having them as markdown its easier. Hope it helps others here as well. You can find it here:
Ian Wardell May 25, 2022 um 6:43 am
In kindle for PC my export button has vanished. It was there 2 days ago. I don’t know if this is something I’ve done or not. Maybe I best delete kindle and reinstall it.
Zsolt Csillag May 25, 2022 um 9:01 am
Kindle My Clipping Highlight Manager simply swiftly processes this Kindle file and loads into your own database.
This means, all the Kindle highlights from one book will be in one continuous text, no matter if originally you highlighted 10 times or 100 times.
You can browse among the imported highlights by books, also you can browse your previous clippings as well.
You can save them to text file, copy them to clipboard or print them.
You can download from this link: