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How to Make Feedly Look More Like Google Reader

google-reader-logoFeedly is rapidly becoming my preferred replacement for the soon-to-expire Google Reader, so I was pleased today when I learned that there was a way to make Feedly look more like Google Reader than I had hoped.

The tip I am sharing in this post goes far beyond the GR-inspired changes that Feedly has made to their service. It won’t result in a perfect match, but if you already use Feedly then I’m sure you can see how much it now looks like GR:


This is a pretty simple tip and if you know how to install an app then you can do this. I’m going to have you install something called a userscript. This will change the behavior of your web browser.

The userscript is called Readly. I tested it with Firefox, and I am told it works with Chrome. I cannot say for sure f it works with other web browsers.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. The first thing you’ll need to do is install GreaseMonkey. This is an addon for Firefox and Chrome that lets you run your own little bits of code.  You can find it with the other addons for your browser.
  2. Reboot your browser so GreaseMonkey can start running. You’ll probably also need to enable GreaseMonkey so it knows to runs the script.
  3. Click here and download the script. It should install automatically.

Once you have GreaseMonkey and the script both running in your browser, refresh Feedly. Then set the theme to Modern Gray. You will be amazed at the difference.

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Joe Nonsense March 30, 2013 um 2:11 am

This is why I strongly dislike tech pundits. There is NO CONVENTIONALLY accepted replacement for Reader. It is far too early to judge. Just because Feedly was quick off the mark (perhaps they have a mole in Google) means diddly squat. Let’s not humble ourselves with potential claim chowder. Let’s keep an open mind at the best replacement(s) for Reader. Let’s be patient!

Nate Hoffelder March 30, 2013 um 10:58 am

I did not proclaim Feedly as the heir apparent. It’s just the one I like the most (right now), and I wanted to tell everyone about this important trick.

Julie March 30, 2013 um 7:33 am

What happened to your link for the Greasemonkey script? I found it by looking at your code anyhow. 🙂

Nate Hoffelder March 30, 2013 um 8:28 am

I left it out. I thought the best way to get Greasemonkey was via the web browser itself.

Howard Lee Harkness March 30, 2013 um 9:09 pm

Interesting that the folks who built the install page for Readly went out of their way to make it difficult to figure out how to install it — all of the prominent buttons and links on that page are for crapware.

I suppose this is the new model for how to support "freeware."

Nate Hoffelder March 30, 2013 um 9:13 pm

Sorry. It’s my fault the link was bad.

I fixed it.

Saturday morning coffee [March 30 2013] « Jerry Fahrni March 30, 2013 um 11:11 am

[…] make Feedly look and behave more like what I want. The Digital Reader has a good article on How to Make Feedly Look More Like Google Reader if you’re […]

Moriah Jovan March 30, 2013 um 1:28 pm

I bought Feeddler for my iPad, but I have an Android phone and Feeddler has no app for Android.

I had tried Feedly a while back and didn’t like the magazine layout. Now that they’ve added this list view that doesn’t annoy me, AND they have both Android and iOS apps, they may have won me over.

Nate Hoffelder March 30, 2013 um 2:28 pm

The Feedly Android app is still very much a magazine style app.

Moriah Jovan March 30, 2013 um 3:54 pm

List with thumbnails, which is tolerable for now.

Howard Lee Harkness March 30, 2013 um 9:12 pm

"Then set the theme to Modern Gray."

Exactly how do you do that? I saw a list of themes — and none of them were "Modern Gray."

Nate Hoffelder March 30, 2013 um 9:14 pm

Scroll the left pane all the way down to the bottom.

Select the themes option.

"Modern gray" is the theme in the top left corner.

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