Register for Copyright and Technology 2018, and Get $100 Off
Copyright and Technology 2018 is coming up next week on Tuesday in New York City. The one-day conference will feature panels on digital watermarks, anti-piracy efforts, AI and copyright, and digital first sale, as well as a keynote by that lunatic, Jon Taplin.
I will be there, and if you would like to attend, I have a discount code worth $100 off.
To register, go to the CPUSA website, and click the register button. When you fill out the form, please select "other" in the "Where did you hear about this conference?" section, and then mention this blog.
Then, when you are filling out the payment details near the end of the registration process, enter the code technyc100 in the promo code box. This will give you a $100 discount off registration.
You can find more information on the conference at
I am looking forward to the conference, and if you are attending I am also looking forward to meeting you. I’ll be in NYC the night before, and will be at the conference all day, so if you attend please be sure to look for me.
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