Roundup: Galaxy Tab 4 Nook Reviews
It’s been just over a week since Barnes & Noble launched their latest tablet, and the reviews are trickling in.
Unfortunately for both B&N and for potential buyers, there weren’t very many blogs interested in writing a review for this tablet. I only found 5 actual reviews (not counting the fake review posted by Publishers Weekly), which is far fewer than the dozen reviews I found for the Fire Phone.
In general, the reviewers were less than impressed with this tablet. In fact, the only truly positive verdict I found was penned by my competitor when he reviewed the non-Nook version of the Galaxy Tab 4 a few months ago.
And so I will start off with his review.
This is the first Samsung tablet that I’ve reviewed. I never understood why people chose Samsung tablets when there are almost always other brands with better specs for less money. But now I can see why Samsung’s tablets are as popular as they are. They may not have the best specs or lowest prices, but they have the appearance and feel of good quality tablets, at least that’s the case with the Tab 4 line.
- Business Insider: Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook Review
If you need an affordable tablet to entertain the kids and get some light reading done, the $179 Galaxy Tab 4 Nook won’t disappoint. The ability to create multiple user profiles makes it easy to share, and access to both the Google Play Store and Barnes & Noble’s Nook Shop is a definite plus.
But it’s far from being the best tablet you can buy. Amazon’s Kindle Fire HDX tablets, which are also pretty affordable starting at $229, come with a much sharper display, a design that’s just more premium and polished overall, and access to Amazon’s Mayday support feature (Barnes & Noble offers on-site tech support) and other goodies. But you don’t get access to the Google Play Store, which is one area where the Nook excels.
- Laptop Magazine: Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook — Full Review and Benchmarks
Pros: Long battery life; Interesting interactive reading experience; Access to full Google Play store; Light weight;
Cons: Not enough usable storage; Low resolution display; Tinny audio; Expensive content; Confusing parental controls settings
Verdict: For those locked into a Barnes & Noble library, the $179 Galaxy Tab 4 Nook might be worth a look. But its poor performance and complicated controls might scare others away.
- PC Magazine: Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook Review & Rating
The Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook is a decent entry-level device, but I don’t see the market for it other than existing Barnes & Noble fans, and those already with substantial Nook libraries. Otherwise, it’s a rather generic tablet that excels in no one area, and one that has even more custom software than the already bloated non-Nook version. It’s even a step down in display resolution from the Nook HD, which was one of my favorite low-cost tablets
- Engadget: Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook review: good for reading, but hardly the best budget tablet
This should come as a shock to no one, but the Galaxy Tab 4 Nook is only a good idea if you’re already a loyal Barnes & Noble customer. Setting aside the fact that it comes with free content (a gimmick, if you ask me), this tablet is appealing because it offers a better reading experience than even the regular Nook for Android app. Until Barnes & Noble redesigns its standard Android application, this is the best Nook experience you’re going to get, short of buying one of B&N’s standalone, e-ink e-readers.
- Mashable: Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook Is Just Good Enough [REVIEW]
With its middling features and not-quite-fully-integrated Nook widget and app suite, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook can’t compete with the forward-leaning Amazon Kindle Fire HDX or mid-size tablet-market-leading Apple iPad Mini.
Yet, I still like it. A typical E Ink-based reader from Barnes & Noble or Amazon costs anywhere from $69 to almost to $120 for the backlit model with the most storage. For $60 more you can get a full-blown tablet that can handle everything from textbooks to movies and even action games. It’s a pretty sweet deal.
If you want an affordable, light, sharp-looking, reading-ready tablet for your back-to-school teen, this could be the right choice. Just don’t let her see an iPad mini or Kindle Fire HDX.
ucfgrad93 August 29, 2014 um 7:07 pm
While I really like the form factor, the lack of a higher resolution screen and the measly 8GB of storage make this a no go for me.
Nate Hoffelder August 29, 2014 um 7:16 pm
It’s actually limited to only 4GB; the rest is taken up by the OS. And I agree that it really should be more. I’ve already heard complaints from B&N store-level folks who have been encountered angry customers.
ucfgrad93 August 29, 2014 um 7:19 pm
Yeah, that is a major problem with all of Samsung’s devices. If it came with 16GB and a better screen I probably would have purchased one.
beth August 30, 2014 um 5:52 am
Thought I’d give it a try, but not happy with the lack of edges to hold it while reading. Maybe a man can hold it in his palm without touching the edges, but for a child or a woman, forget it. No matter which way I hold it, I am turning pages, hitting buttons, etc. Will probably return it.
Nate Hoffelder August 30, 2014 um 6:58 am
I have that problem as well – even with my largish man hands. After a week and a half, it’s gotten to be quite frustrating.
Karpomatic August 30, 2014 um 9:13 pm
I’m still considering it. My HD+ has been having jumpy screen problems when I turn it to landscape. I’m hoping the wife will get me one for Christmas.
B&N Reports Digital Revenues Down over 50% – The Digital Reader September 9, 2014 um 10:08 am
[…] in spite of the bad news, there is some light n the horizon. B&N recently launched a new Galaxy Tab 4 Nook device in partnership with Samsung. This should boost sales in the coming […]