Amazon Ignite Lets Teachers Sell Curricula
Remember Amazon Inspire, the site Amazon launched almost four years ago which teachers could use to share curricula?
Amazon just launched a complimentary service, Amazon Ignite, only instead of sharing content, teachers can use the new service to sell their content to other teachers.
Where Amazon Inspire is a standalone site, Amazon Ignite is a part of along the lines of KDP, only with fewer restrictions on content, and also with better payment terms. Teachers can upload and sell Word DOCs, Powerpoints, spreadsheets, PDFs, and even ZIP files. They’ll earn a 70% royalty on all sales, except for items priced under $2.99, where Amazon charges an additional 30 cent transaction on each sale.
While Ignite is focused on teachers, the content is sold on, and is available to all. The selection can be filtered by grade level, topic, resource type, and educational standard across areas such as math, social studies, technology, science, and language arts. Amazon offers previews of materials with its "look inside" feature (just like in the Kindle Store), along with recommendations and customer reviews.
Kathy December 8, 2019 um 2:48 pm
Amazon takes 30% of the sale. Teachers Pay Teachers takes 20%. Not hard to figure out where the best place to sell teacher created resources is.
Gilbert December 22, 2019 um 11:54 pm
Will this be open to Aussie Teachers?