New Boogie Board Rip Tablet lets you Save Your Work
It’s only been a few short months since Improv Electronics launched new Boogie Board models and today they’re ready to unveil their new and improved model.
The Boogie Board is based on a low-power LCD screen tech that was developed by Kent Displays. The idea behind the Boogie Board is that you can write, draw, or scribble on it with a stylus or your finger. The screen will hold the contents without using electricity. The only energy cost is when you blank the screen and remove the current scribbles.
The Boogie Board Rip is the model I’ve been wanting ever since I heard about the Boogie Board last year. It’s the first Boogie Board that lets you save what you sketch.
It saves each screen capture as a PDF and you can transfer the PDFs to your computer over USB. There’s no info on how many screen images you can store nor did Improv mention if you could pull up old notes and edit them. Update: Improv told me on Twitter that the Rip could save about 200 screen shots at a time. It cannot load them again.
Cost wasn’t mentioned, but the Boogie Board Rip will go up for pre-order soon on the Improv website and it’s going to ship in November.
dahve September 2, 2011 um 12:45 am
Looking forward to it; pending the price I’m really looking forward to nabbing one of these.
Also your link to the Improv website appears to be broken.
Nate Hoffelder September 2, 2011 um 7:23 am
Kristen September 2, 2011 um 8:07 am
Nice article, Nate!
Lisa Milligan` September 14, 2011 um 11:07 am
I have ALS and i am speech impaired. A friend saw my struggle with several different devises. the weight and clarity of these devices were a problem. ALS affectsa muscle strength and control, which henders our ability to use most communicatiuon devises. When she saw a boogie Board she emmediatly purchased one for me. I am thrilled with it, especially the clarity and ease of use. I am now looking for a sponser to donate several of them to our local ALS association to be distributed to those of my peers which can not afford them on their own.
curiousity killed the… October 5, 2011 um 12:12 am
i’m torn on this product ever since i heard the price early this morning when they announced the preorders were open.
on the 1 hand it would be an amazing device that with the new save feature is almost everything that anyone would want for a dedicated e-writing device but on the other hand i anticipated a much lower price especially since their flagship boogie board was 8.5″ $30 and 10″ $60.
as a paper replacement for those that still write notes freehand i cant see many people paying $130 just because its digital and saves.
one of the many reasons people took the plunge and bought the 1st one was the fact it was cheap and useable even if it was less useable w/o the save people sucked it up for the novelty of it.
as an artist i see much much more benefit to this device and their vector based save functionality being able to draw something freehand and have a digital copy instantly without having to clean up a scanned image of all the stray marks and then retrace the entire thing its very tempting still. and since its vector based and resolution independent that’s way better than any scanner could ever achieve but my mind wanders to more able body devices within a $100+ price range like the wacom bamboo tablet that you can draw in real time on the computer screen.
bottom line if you’ve been waiting as long as i have for a save version of boogie board and have the money to blow get it it’ll be worth its weight in gold but im still leery on a budget at its current price.
New Digital Writing Slate Coming Soon – Inktab – The Digital Reader October 6, 2011 um 5:46 pm
[…] 6th, 2011 by Nate Hoffelder · No Comments · hardware news // It looks like the Boogie Board might be getting some competition later this year. A new website has launched a couple weeks back […]
Boogie Board Rip Now Shipping (video) – The Digital Reader November 2, 2011 um 2:24 pm
[…] Boogie Board Rip was unveiled just over 2 months ago, and it ‘s just the latest model to use Kent Display’s unique low-power LCD screen […]
The Digital Reader – The Best News and Info on eReaders and Tablets June 26, 2012 um 8:00 pm
[…] No Comments · hardware news It’s been nearly 9 months since Kent Displays released their latest Boogie Board writing slate and they’ve been busy. Earlier this evening Kent Display showed off the new Boogie Board Jot […]
JT January 9, 2013 um 2:40 pm
That’s not much of an improvement. Wasn’t the Boogie Board introduced around 2010-2011? That feature should have been in last year’s version. This year, selective erasure should be included as one of the features. And why is that when you write/draw it’s gray-green instead of white like chalk? There should be a white background version by now (like a whiteboard) and even be able to write/draw in color just like one is able to use colored chalk on a blackboard. Like e-Ink, they are really slow in improving this technology, mainly because they have no competitors. Improv Electronics FAIL!
JT January 9, 2013 um 6:44 pm
There is actually competition coming and it’s from a Czech startup called the NoteSlate:
They pretty much have the features I mentioned. Its technology is e-Ink. Not sure if it can selectively erase. Too new but will be coming out this summer.
Nate Hoffelder January 9, 2013 um 6:48 pm
The Noteslate doesn’t exist.
Paperless Notebook – Tech Crayon August 15, 2020 um 2:15 am
[…] Boogie Board Rip Writing Tablet is a portable and eco-friendly device that will reduce your paper consumption, by replacing all your notebooks, pen and memo pads with a singular electronic […]