49 Quotes about Narcissists & 32 Typical Statements
Narcissists can cause a lot of damage to those around them thanks to their behavior. Do you think you also know a narcissist? Our quotes and typical expressions can help you to expose them. What’s more, we also have quotes about relationships with narcissists for you.
Narcissists are egotistical and only think about themselves. Other people’s feelings are irrelevant to them. That’s why narcissists can lie, manipulate and disappoint us without batting an eyelid. This can hurt quite a bit and make people angry.
Quotes about Narcissistic People
Quotes about Narcissistic People
In our first chapter, you will find quotes about narcissists and their character traits such as arrogance, selfishness or even vanity. But there are also quotes you can say to and about narcissists.
Unfortunately, in some cases, you don’t have a choice and cannot escape contact with narcissists. For example, if you have narcissists in your family, you will have to put up with them and sometimes even live with them.
In these cases, we can only advise that you do not react to the narcissist’s insults and accusations. If the person does not receive the desired reaction or no reaction at all, they will eventually leave you alone and look for an “easier victim.”
In any case, try not to take the insults and behavior personally.
Here you’ll find quotes about jealousy.
Sayings and Quotes about Narcissist Behavior
Sayings and Quotes about Narcissist Behavior
A narcissist has many negative characteristics and does not exactly behave empathetically. The quotes below address this egocentric behavior and the consequences of it.
- That which he projects ahead of him as his ideal, is merely his substitute for the lost narcissism of his childhood – the time when he was his own ideal.
(Sigmund Freud, Austrian doctor, 1856–1939) - Thinking of yourself too is only fair;
Thinking of only yourself is unfair.
(German proverb) - Although world law is common to all living things, many behave as though they possess a separate worldly understanding.
(Heraclitus, Turkish philosopher, 520 B.C–460 B.C.) - Many roosters believe the sun rises because of them.
(Theodor Fontane, German author, 1819–1898) - The way somebody treats you says more about them than it does about you.
(Unknown) - Narcissism make both our virtues and our flaws appear much more significant than they are.
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet, 1749–1832) - Anyone who approaches others with their dignity from above will never win them over; but whoever submits himself to others with his dignity will surely win the people over.
(Liezi, Chinese philosopher, circa 450 B.C) - Fortunately, everyone is happy to rise upwards on their own;
Miserably, they would like to be accompanied on the way down.
(Unknown) - How somebody treats others is always a reflection of themselves.
(Unknown) - Narcissism is the myth of the search for identity.
(Unknown) - Self-interest speaks every language and plays every role, even selflessness.
(Unknown) - All a selfish person sees around them is a large frame in which he believes himself to be the picture.
(Jean Antoine Petit-Senn, Swiss author, 1792–1870) - The human is a true narcissist; he happily mirrors himself everywhere, he positions himself as the background of the entire world.
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet, 1749–1832) - Selfishness is the worm that gnaws at the root of every good thing and kills the blossom in the making that should once have borne glorious fruit.
(Wilhelm Förster, German astronomer, 1832–1921) - Whoever is at the center of attention stands in everyone’s way.
(Unknown) - A person that only thinks of himself and searches for his advantage in everything can not be happy.
(Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Roman philosopher, 4 B.C.–65 A.D.) - Narcissists are the best storytellers.
Quotes about Relationships with Narcissists
Quotes about Relationships with Narcissists
Relationships or friendships with narcissistic people are often doomed to failure.
Apart from high expectations, you might experience a lot of suffering and unfair treatment. The quotes below express how difficult it is to have a close relationship with a narcissist.
- A narcissist doesn’t just break your heart, but your mind too. That’s why it takes so long to heal from them.
(Unknown) - You came into my life, made me feel like the most beautiful person in the world, made me emotionally dependent on you and then you broke me.
(Unknown) - Never before has a relationship demanded so much from me as this toxic chapter of life with you.
(Unknown) - People who you are really important to would never treat you in a way that they know is harming you.
(Unknown) - Never set yourself on fire just to keep others warm.
Here you’ll find quotes about fake friends.
Quotes about Narcissistic Behaviour and Disappointment
Quotes about Narcissistic Behaviour and Disappointment
Narcissists in your life can often cause you many negative emotions, one of which is disappointment. The quotes in this chapter can help you to express your disappointment (more disappointment quotes) about the behavior of narcissists.
- A narcissist does not starve and die just because you stop feeding his ego. He simply turns around and moves onto the next person.
(Unknown) - Now I don’t take it personally anymore. I’ve learned that people don’t insult me or treat me badly because they have a problem with me, but because first and foremost they have a problem with themselves.
(Unknown) - Keep your distance from people that never admit they have done something wrong and then try to make you feel it is your fault.
(Unknown) - You can pull a person out of the dirt but you can’t pull the dirt out of a person.
(Unknown) - Nothing is so hard, so dry, so narrow, as a heart that in all things only loves itself.
(Friedrich Jacobs, German philologist, 1764–1847) - One of the hardest things in my life was telling my heart and soul that they were wrong about someone.
(Unknown) - I could have done without some people in my life. They’re not even good as experience.
Quotes about Narcissists and Their Manipulation
Quotes about Narcissists and Their Manipulation
Narcissists know all too well how to manipulate their “victims” for their own benefit. That’s why there are many wise sayings and quotes about narcissistic manipulation. We have compiled a few here.
- You will never see how truly toxic a person is until you breathe fresher air.
(Unknown) - Narcissistic manipulation is one of the most toxic things there is.
(Unknown) - The selfish flatter the small weaknesses of their fellow human beings in order to be able to exploit the larger ones with greater certainty.
(Otto Leixner von Grünberg, Austrian-German author, 1847–1907) - The worst, but also most relieving, feeling in the world is when you wake up one morning and realize that you were being manipulated by a narcissist the entire time.
(Leonie Lau) - Manipulation is one of the dirtiest forms of behavior in the world. So don’t be surprised when I treat you like dirt, now that I know what you have been doing with me this whole time.
Quotes about Narcissists and Their Lies
Quotes about Narcissists and Their Lies
Narcissists are often deceitful and dishonest. Because they always want to be seen in the best light, they find it hard to tell the truth. Below, you will find quotes about lies as well as deceitful and psychopathic people.
- Narcissists try to destroy your life with lies because the truth can destroy theirs.
(Unknown) - Although people may have no interest in what they are saying, we must not absolutely conclude from this that they are not lying; for there are some people who lie for the mere sake of lying.
(Blaise Pascal, French mathematician, 1623–1662) - Words tell a lot. Actions tell the truth. (Unknown)
- Nothing breaks hearts, courage and strength quicker than lies; lies are the most devilish, because it is the coward’s vice.
(Ernst Moritz Arndt, German author, 1769–1860) - Some people should write a fairy tale book, at least then their lies would have a purpose.
Farewell Words to a Narcissist
Farewell Words to a Narcissist
The best thing to do is stay far away from narcissists, because they can noticeably damage your own sense of self-worth. As soon as you notice that you have come into some sort of contact with a narcissist, you should banish them from your life!
Our sayings and quotes about narcissism can help you find the right way to say goodbye to narcissists you may come across.
- I am already looking forward to the day everyone gets what they deserve.
(Unknown) - I may have lost someone that never loved me. But you have lost someone that truly loved you.
(Unknown) - Detoxify your life and separate yourself from anybody who lies to you, takes advantage of you, talks down to you or treats you disrespectfully.
(Unknown) - Friendship brings people together, self-interest separates them.
(Hebrew proverb) - I believe narcissists must find the world to be bad; they only see themselves in it.
(Jean Antoine Petit-Senn, Swiss author, 1792–1870) - When karma hits back, I’ll be sitting in the front row, clapping.
(Unknown) - Self-interest seldom brings happiness.
(Luc de Clapiers, French philosopher, 1715–1747) - No matter how outstanding a man’s abilities may be – if he is arrogant and stingy, they will not be noticed.
(Confucius, Chinese philosopher, 551 B.C.–479 B.C.) - Karma has no expiration date.
(Unknown) - The same is true for both shoes and people: if they hurt you, they are not a good fit.
Here you’ll find more farewell quotes.
Typical Statements and Quotes of Narcissists
Typical Statements and Quotes of Narcissists
In this chapter, we have compiled some quotes that narcissists typically use in both relationships as well as friendships.
Of course, it is also possible that you may hear the sentences below from one of your “normal” partners. If many of these phrases are increasingly used, particularly the Top 5, you should certainly be on alert.
Before a Relationship
These phrases are increasingly used by narcissists, especially in the “falling-in-love phase” before a relationship begins.
- I’ve never met someone like you.
- I’ve never felt this way for anyone but you.
- We don’t need anyone else.
- You and me. Forever.
During the Relationship
During the Relationship
Once you are in a toxic relationship with a narcissist, it can be difficult to recognize it as such. The phases below should act as a warning signal – especially if they are used frequently.
- It’s your fault I treat you like this/betrayed you.
- My friends hate you, but you’re my number one priority.
- I’m only like this because I’m scared of losing you.
- That’s not true, you’re just imagining things.
- Are your friends more important than I am?
- You didn’t let me finish.
- You’re just sulking because I didn’t do what you wanted.
- I’m sorry – what more do you want from me?
- You’re the only one who thinks that.
- Why can’t you just leave the past behind?
- I don’t know what you’re talking about.
- Why are you doing this to me?
- You think that’s cool? It’s terrible!
- That’s just the way I am.
- You’re just making that up.
- You haven’t a clue what you’re doing. Let me do it.
- Either you love me or you hate me.
- But I’m all alone, you can’t leave me too!
- I’m just like this because I’m scared of losing you.
- You’ve broken my trust. Now you have to win it back.
- I never said that.
- If you leave me, you’ll probably die alone.
- You just don’t understand me.
- Don’t be so sensitive.
- I can’t do anything about it, it’s just the way I am.
- I have a problem. Your family don’t like me.
- Maybe you shouldn’t see them so much. Don’t be so insecure.
- You did this to yourself, it wasn’t my fault.
Typical Behavior Patterns of Narcissists
Typical Behavior Patterns of Narcissists
Narcissists are extremely manipulative people. When getting to know them, they normally make you feel very valuable and shower you with compliments or gifts. It seems as if this narcissist is the friend or boyfriend/girlfriend you’ve always been searching for.
But then comes the turning point. Once the narcissist has won your trust, they begin to treat you differently, to manipulate you and demean you. Suddenly, they begin to criticize the very features they had previously complimented you on.
Once you are in this kind of toxic relationship, you may find it hard to recognize the signs. Often, you are so used to be manipulated that you don’t even notice the narcissist’s inappropriate behavior anymore.
However, in addition to the above sayings, there are also typical behavior pattern which you can use to reveal a narcissist.
But be careful: Just because a point in this chapter applies to a person does not necessarily mean that this person is a narcissist. If several of these points apply, then is it more likely that you are dealing with a narcissist.
They Have No Ability to Empathize
It is typical of narcissists to be unable to see things from other people’s perspectives. Narcissists stand alone and only think about themselves.
Other people’s feelings do not interest them. Narcissists often cover up their lack of empathy with charm.
Narcissists Fish for Complimemts
Narcissists Fish for Complimemts
Narcissists are massive megalomaniacs, they always want to be the center of attention and be admired. That’s why they always have a (supposedly) exciting story at the ready so they can impress others.
They also like to flaunt their status symbol on social networks like Instagram or Facebook to get likes and comments so they can get attention.
From the outside, narcissists lead a desirable life and want to appear to be perfect, but on the inside, they are empty.
They Are Not Capable of Self-Reflection
Narcissists consider themselves to be grandiose, almost god-like, even. A person like this is not capable of reflecting on themselves or recognizing their own faults.
Narcissists are Very Confident
A person with a narcissistic personality disorder seem very confident on the outside, if not self-absorbed.
A narcissist knows how to “sell” themselves. They flaunt their strengths and don’t believe they have any weaknesses, so they don’t talk about them.
They Need a Lot, But Provide Little
They Need a Lot, But Provide Little
A narcissist needs a lot of attention, but can only provide little themselves. A narcissist always needs to be the center of attention. They need you, your attention as well as your validation to feel good.
On the other hand, they are not capable of listening to you or helping when you need it. Narcissists cannot cope with others getting more attention or being the center of attention.
They Lie, Change Their Minds and Twist the Truth
Narcissists frequently lie for their own advantage. If a narcissist made you a promise yesterday, today they can easily have changed their mind and taken back their promise if it turns out not to benefit them.
They also have no problem twisting the truth if it means they will benefit from it. They don’t care how it affects you, as long as they come out looking good. If you confront a narcissist about their lies, they will leave you feeling as if you got it wrong.
Narcissists Cannot Apologize
When a narcissist makes a mistake, they cannot accept it because they see themselves as perfect and flawless people. When it comes to narcissists, it’s always the other person’s fault.
They only make apologies in exceptional cases, and even then it is normally for strategic reasons. We often hear phrases like, “I’ve already apologized, what more do you want to hear?” from the mouths of narcissists.
They Make Others Look Small So They Look Better
They Make Others Look Small So They Look Better
Narcissists are masters of belittling others to make themselves look better. They absolutely cannot handle another person getting a compliment.
What’s worse is when someone else achieves something the narcissist themselves wanted to achieve. They begrudge the success and recognition of everyone other than themselves.