107+15 Cute Quotes and Short Sayings for any Occasion

Cute quotes can convey appreciation, gratitude and love. Put a smile on the face of your partner, your friends or your family with a short, cute message. We have collected over a hundred sayings and categorized them so you can quickly find what you are looking for.
Write cute quotes and short sweet sayings on a card, send them as a message or post them on social media. Everyone will appreciate a few kind words that express your appreciation.
Cute Quotes for Every Taste

Cute Quotes for Every Taste
In the following categories, you will find cute quotes for different occasions. Give them to your partner, your family or your best friend to send love and gratitude.
Congratulate with cute quotes for a birthday or send cute love sayings to your partner. You can find cute girly quotes for your best friend and cute inspirational quotes about life.
Our sayings are always loving and kind, so you know you can send them without hesitation.
Flirty Sayings & Cute Short Quotes
In this section, you will find cute quotes with a wink and a bit of wit. They are slightly cheeky but still sweet enough not to upset anyone. Use them to tease your loved ones like your girlfriend or boyfriend, or as a short flirty message for someone you like.
- "I only want the best for you… and the best for you is me!"
(Unknown) - "You should always keep enough space for nonsense in your head."
(Unknown) - "Do you have the phone number of an exterminator by any chance? When I see you, I get butterflies in my stomach!"
(Unknown) - "When I saw you from back there, I spent the whole time trying to remember where I knew you from. Now that I’m standing next to you I know – you’re from my dreams."
(Unknown) - "Dip your finger in my coffee for a minute? It needs some sugar!"
(Unknown) - "I don’t snore, I dream I’m an engine."
(Unknown) - "You should not praise your husband before the evening."
(Unknown) - "We are like brothers and sisters. When you fall, I always help you up again. As soon as I’m done laughing."
(Unknown) - "I noticed you didn’t notice me. I wanted to change that."
(Unknown) - "I haven’t been sleeping very well lately. There goes my last talent…"
Cute Fall Quotes
Cute Fall Quotes
Fall is not only the coziest season – it’s also the cutest, with all the sweet fruits and the beautiful sunsets that fall has to offer. Get excited about the arrival of fall with the following cute quotes.
- “Keep your face always toward the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you.”
(Walt Whitman, US poet, 1819-1892) - "Fall is the springtime for winter."
(Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, French painter, 1864-1901) - "There is a silence of fall down to the colors."
(Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Austrian writer, 1874-1929) - "Fall repays the earth the leaves which summer lent it."
(Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, German naturalist, 1742-1799) - "Pears need to be shaken in the fall."
(Publius Ovidius Naso, ancient Roman poet, 43 B.C-17 A.D)
Cute Instagram Quotes
Cute Instagram Quotes
Below you can find cute little quotes and captions that you can use for your Instagram. Share one of these sayings with a cute picture of yourself, either alone or together with friends.
Cute quotes can go with any kind of picture and are always pleasing to read. Use them to put yourself and others in a good mood.
- "Find someone who knows you’re not perfect, but treats you as if you were."
(Unknown) - "Paths are made by walking them."
(Franz Kafka, German-language writer, 1883-1924) - "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.
That’s why it’s called the present."
(Alice Morse Earle, American historian, 1851-1911) - "Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much."
(Oscar Wilde) - "Always be yourself. Unless you’re sick of being yourself. Then reinvent yourself as often as you like."
Looking for some more inspiration? You can find all kinds of Instagram captions here.
Cute Love Quotes for Couples
Cute Love Quotes for Couples
In this section you will find cute quotes for lovers and couples. Use them in your relationship to make your partner happy. Later in this article we also have a few wedding quotes for you that celebrate love.
The following quotes are serious and romantic and should be shared only after you have already said "I love you" to each other. They address the most beautiful aspects of love and speak right from the heart.
- "The most beautiful gift in life is when a great love comes true. I want to thank you for that."
(Unknown) - "Often, all it takes is one person to make the world shine."
(Unknown) - "My love for you is as endless as the sky, as deep as the sea, as dense as a pine forest, as clear as crystal, and as infinite as space."
(Unknown) - "You and I: we are one. I cannot hurt you without hurting myself."
(Mahatma Gandhi, Indian ascetic, 1869-1948) - "For only he is rich, who is loved and may love."
(Adalbert Stifter, Austrian writer, 1805-1868) - "True love stories never end."
(Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Moravian-Austrian writer, 1830-1916) - "Love is… when reality is more beautiful than any dream."
(Unknown) - "The great happiness in love consists in finding rest in another heart."
(Julie de Lespinasse, French writer, 1732-1776) - "Love is … reaching for the stars together."
(Unknown) - "Our life cannot always be full of joy, but it can always be full of love."
(Thomas of Aquin, Italian philosopher, 1225-1274) - "The love between two people
lives in beautiful moments.
But it grows through difficult times,
that both overcome together."
(Unknown) - "Love does not have to be spoken to make you happy. It is possible to convey love without words. But it is more beautiful when it is finally spoken: I love you."
(Unknown) - "This is what love consists of: two lonely people protect and touch and talk to each other."
(Rainer Maria Rilke, Austrian storyteller and lyricist,1875 – 1926)
Quotes about love can always help to spice up a long-term relationship. If you have been together for a long time, you get used to each other, and many people start to take their partner for granted by many as time goes by.
It is very important to show and tell your partner over and over again how irreplaceable they are. Love sayings are also suitable for this purpose. They prove that you are willing to make an effort even after many years, especially if you write them down.
Cute Quotes for Her
Cute Quotes for Her
It’s always nice when your boyfriend makes an effort and comes out of his shell. If you want to prove your love, we have cute quotes and a list of nice things to say to a girl that will put your feelings into words.
Surprise your girlfriend with a cute saying or use a special occasion to tell her how you feel. Valentine’s Day, your anniversary or her birthday are suitable occasions for this.
- "I want nothing more than to go through life with you and for us to always love each other!"
(Unknown) - "Franz Kafka once said, 'The one who has best provided for the future is the one who provides for the present.' – I promise to always protect and love you so that we always can rely on each other in the future."
(Unknown) - "You are the sun and the stars for me – always remember: I love you!"
(Unknown) - "The next girl that I will love will be our daughter."
(Unknown) - "When I first saw you, I knew it was real. It’s crazy, love at first sight!"
(Unknown) - "I wish I was the wind gently stroking your hair, the sun tenderly touching you, and the moon guarding your sleep."
(Unknown) - "The person who can put a smile on your face without touching you, without talking to you should be the person you give your heart to!"
I hereby give it to you and tell you honestly: I love you. - "I ask you a question now, It’s been on my mind for days.
In my most beautiful dream, I see the two of us in one place.
Let’s move in together, why won’t we?
You have shown my unimaginable powers to me.
My love, it has never been so strong,
That’s why I had to ask you this for so long.
Now I finally see clearly: with you, nothing is less.
Now only you are missing – please say yes!"
(Unknown) - "You make me crazy with your personality, crazy about you. I always want more, you are never too much for me. I want to be there for you, protect you and make you happy – you only have to let me."
(Unknown) - "Some dreams are longer than others, some dreams are more beautiful than others. But my most beautiful dream is reading this message right now."
(Unknown) - "I’m happy with you because we love and laugh and from time to time we do crazy things together."
(Unknown) - "I’m counting the hours until you’re back with me."
(Unknown) - "Every day I love you a little more.
Every day I miss you a little bit more.
And every day I’m a little more convinced that you’re the girl of my dreams, the one I’ve been looking for all my life."
(Unknown) - "You impressed me from the first moment and now you are my envisioned future."
(Unknown) - "Like two leaves in the wind, we found each other.
Since then, my fears you smother.
And when we blow away in different directions,
we’ll find back together again and share our affections."
It is a very special moment when you confess your love to your girlfriend with a cute quote. The three magic words can be written perfectly on a card or memorized in the form of a saying.
Never send the first confession of love on WhatsApp, it is always better to do it in person.
Cute Quotes for Him
Cute Quotes for Him
It’s not only women who will be delighted by cute quotes. Most men also appreciate it when their girlfriend tells them how she feels. Since it’s not always easy to put strong emotions into words, we’ll help you with a few quotes.
Surprise your boyfriend with a cute WhatsApp message or write one of our sayings on a card for Christmas, New Year, his birthday or other special occasions.
- "There are so many beautiful places in the world, but the most beautiful place is in your arms."
(Unknown) - "With you by my side, I can face the whole world."
(Unknown) - "I love you…still like the first day.
I adore your laugh, admire your energy.
I look at you and can hardly believe my happiness."
(Unknown) - "You are my calm and my rock. With you, I feel protected as with no one else. You give me security and for that I love you."
(Unknown) - "I love that you are not only my great love but also my best friend."
(Unknown) - "Every day I wish that what we have never ends."
(Unknown) - "We were friends, but that was not enough for my heart. Love based on friendship is the most beautiful love that exists!"
(Unknown) - "I don’t want a prince with all the riches in the world. I want a fighter who sees me as his greatest wealth."
(Unknown) - "There are people to whom you can bare your heart and your soul. You can just be yourself, without facade, without doubt, sometimes even without words. These people are rare, if you have found one you have to hold on to him."
(Unknown) - "They say you can’t predict the future. But I can see our future very clearly and I know it looks just like this."
(Unknown) - "Why were we only given one heart? We have two feet to walk, two hands to touch, two ears to hear and two eyes to see! But why only one heart? – Because the other half is with someone we must first find. In you I have found this person. I love you."
(Unknown) - "If you need me, I’m there. Even when you’re far away, I’m close to you."
(Unknown) - "The most beautiful thing here on earth
Is to love and be loved."
(Wilhelm Busch, German poet, 1832-1908) - "You give me strength and yet you are my greatest weakness."
(Unknown) - "If you were a potato, you would be a sweet potato."
Cute Christmas Quotes
Cute Quotes for Christmas
Below you will find sweet little sayings and cute quotes for the snowy season and for Christmas Eve. Use these quotes to get in a cozy and cuddly mood. Share them with your loved ones or write your favorite quote on a Christmas card and give it away as a present.
- "I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year."
(Charles Dickens, English writer, 1812-1870) - "Christmas is the day that holds all time together."
(Alexander Smith, Scottish poet, 1829-1867) - "Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas."
(Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States, 1872-1933) - "The best thing about Christmas is not the presents or the cookies. It’s drinking hot chocolate by the fire."
(Unknown) - "Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our childhood days, recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth, and transport the traveler back to his own fireside and quiet home!"
(Charles Dickens, English writer, 1812-1870)
Cute Family Quotes
Cute Family Quotes
Below you will find cute quotes for and about family. Share these cute sayings with your sister, your brother or your parents. These lovely, cute sayings will put a smile on the faces of all your family members.
- "There will be hands to carry you, arms to keep you safe, and people to show you, without question, that you are welcome."
(Khalil Gibran, Lebanese-American poet, philosopher and painter, 1883-1931) - "Three things have remained for us from Paradise: the stars of the night, the flowers of the day, and the eyes of children."
(Dante Alighieri, Italian poet and philosopher, 1265-1321) - "Time doesn’t heal wounds. The right people heal them."
(Unknown) - "My family is my last resort. When I’m at a loss and start to despair, it’s them who come up with the right ideas."
Are you looking for more quotes about family? Here is a whole selection.
Cute Inspirational Quotes about Life
Cute Inspirational Quotes about Life
In this section you will find cute quotes to inspire you. In terms of content, the quotes deal with the different facets of life and the challenges you face.
- "Be the change that you wish to see in the world."
(Mahatma Gandhi, Indian ascetic, 1869-1948) - “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”
(Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States of America, 1858 – 1919) - "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken"
(Oscar Wilde, Irish writer, 1854-1900) - “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
(Thomas Alva Edison, US inventor, 1847-1931) - “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
(Francis of Assisi, catholic saint, 1182-1226) - “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”
(Robert Louis Stevenson, Scottish writer, 1850-1894)
Cute messages like this are suitable as a motivational boost or a loving sign of support. Use one of these quotes when you want to inspire your loved ones or yourself.
Girlish Cute Quotes for your Best Friend
Cute Quotes for your Best Friend
Aristotle dealt extensively with the topic of friendship in ancient times. He came to some conclusions about true friendship and the deep connection that can develop between two people. An apt description is this:
"Friendship, that is one soul in two bodies." (Aristotle)
With best friends, this shared soul often becomes wonderfully visible. They might not only resemble each other in language use and behavior, but they also share experiences and secrets with each other. They support each other and make sure that the other is doing well. Below you will find cute girly quotes for your best friend.
- "Friends are like stars: you don’t always see them, but they are always there."
(From Spain) - "He who sees a true friend somehow sees a reflection of himself."
(Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman orator and statesman, 106-43 B.C) - "Flowers only bloom for a short time, our friendship blooms for eternity."
(Unknown) - "A friend understands your past, believes in your future and accepts you in the present as you are."
(Unknown) - "Of all the gifts that fate grants us, there is no greater good than friendship – no greater wealth, no greater joy."
(Epicurus of Samos, Greek philosopher, 341 B.C.-270 B.C.) - "Love comes and goes, but friendship remains."
(Unknown) - "No friendly connection tends to be more lasting than that which is made in early youth. One is there even less suspicious, less difficult in trifles."
(Adolph Freiherr von Knigge, German jurist, satirist and Enlightenment philosopher, 1752-1796) - "We have found each other. We are now one."
(Unknown) - "You are my rock in the surf, on which I can always save myself."
(Unknown) - "I appreciate you and your honesty. I love you."
(Unknown) - "Friendship is when it is liberating to open up and be rewarded for your vulnerability."
(Unknown) - "Holding word. Holding hand. Hold on. You and I can do just about anything."
(Unknown) - "Friendship, that is a soul in two bodies."
(Aristotle, Greek philosopher, 384-322 B.C.) - "Really good friends are people who know us very well and still stick with us."
(Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Moravian-Austrian writer, 1830-1916)
Unfortunately, people often don’t tell their best friends just how important they are to them. Sometimes friends do not even know that they became best friends long ago.
Cute girly quotes may sound a bit corny at first, but they help to make it clear how much you love your platonic better half. Make her happy on her birthday, wake her up in the morning with a cute girlish quote, recite it to her in a voicemail or post a picture with her and use one of our quotes as a caption.
Cute Sayings about Missing Someone
Cute Quotes about Missing Someone
When we miss or think about a person, we often don’t tell them how we feel. But it is so easy to make that person happy and to find out if they miss you too. We have selected cute quotes about missing someone and cute short texts for you.
- "Love is … counting the hours and minutes until you’re finally with me again. I miss you!"
(Unknown) - "Flowers need sunshine, and I need you to be happy!"
(Unknown) - "There are friends, enemies, and people like you who are never forgotten for love. I miss you!"
(Unknown) - "Even the unpleasant, to which we got used, we miss reluctantly."
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet, 1749-1832) - "It’s kind of strange how empty a life can be when only one person is missing from it."
(Unknown) - "Probably people in love lose their heads so easily because they don’t miss it in that state anyway."
(Unknown) - "Love is… Being alone sometimes, but never feeling alone. I miss you, but you give me strength even from afar."
Cute Birthday Wishes
Cute Birthday Wishes
One of the best occasions for sending cute quotes is a birthday. Cute quotes are especially suitable for a sweet 16th birthday. But you can also send them for any other birthday – cute birthday wishes are always appreciated, no matter how old you get.
With these cute birthday quotes, you will be able to make the recipient smile. Send these congrats to a birthday prince or princess to make them smile and remind them of their cuteness.
- "The world, the sun and the firmament belong to the cheerful."
(Theodor Fontane, German writer, 1819-1898)
Happy Birthday! - "You are in the bloom of your youth, enjoy the time.
You are still far from ready, to think about the age."
(Unknown) - "On your birthday my very warmest congratulations!"
(Unknown) - "Your friends dance and the sun shines,
today, we want to celebrate your birthday, not Valentines.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
the way you care about your friends is full of art."
(Unknown) - "I wish you 365 days of joy, 8,760 hours of health and 525,600 minutes of happiness and contentment until your next birthday."
(Unknown) - "Today you have your hands full – and with enjoying, dreaming, relaxing, surprises and: being happy!"
(Unknown) - "Because of you the world is a better place. Stay just the way you are!"
(Unknown) - "Every year there is one more candle, and every year you shine brighter. I hope that all your wishes come true when you blow them out!"
Are you looking for cute quotes for a birthday for a certain age? Here’s where you can find birthday wishes and sayings for the 30th, 40th,50th,60th,70th, 80th and 90th birthdays.
More birthday wishes of all kinds can be found here.
Cute Quotes for Weddings
Cute Quotes for a Wedding
Cute quotes are also suitable for writing in wedding cards to congratulate the bride and groom. First and foremost in these messages, of course, is the theme of love and their future together. Maybe the couple is planning a unique honeymoon, wants to start a family soon or build a house together.
Include such important events in your wedding wishes. The more individual your congratulations are, the more delighted the couple will be. If you’re unsure of just how to personalize your saying, you can always go with a cute quote, some of which you’ll find below.
- "Marriage remains the most important voyage of discovery that man can undertake."
(Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher, theologian and writer, 1813 – 1855) - "Your love is like a fairy tale. You fit together like the Once upon a time … and the They lived happily ever after …".
(Unknown) - "True love proceeds from the harmony of thought and opposition of character."
(Théodore Simon Jouffroy, French publicist, 1796-1842) - "For where I am yours, I am all mine first."
(Michelangelo, Italian sculptor, painter and poet, 1475-1564) - "For only he is rich who is loved and may love."
(Adalbert Stifter, Austrian writer, 1805-1868) - "The mind can tell us what to refrain from doing. But the heart can tell us what to do."
(Joseph Joubert, french moralist, 1754-1824) - "Love consists not only in looking at each other but in looking together in the same direction."
(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, French writer and pilot, 1900 – 1944) - "Marriage is one of the most beautiful and strongest structures in this world. It can withstand any kind of natural force."
(Unknown) - "Happy alone is the soul that loves."
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet, 1749-1832) - "Everything you do should be determined by love."
(Corinthians 16:14) - "Walking through the world together is more beautiful than standing alone. And to take each other’s word for it is probably the most beautiful thing in life."
(Unknown) - "A good marriage is based on the talent for friendship."
(Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher, 1844-1900) - "A single person can be a whole paradise."
(Unknown) - "Her heart’s melody became your favorite song – and his voice became hers."
(Unknown) - "The most beautiful gift in life is when a great love comes true. Congratulations from the bottom of my heart."
Make your Loved Ones Happy
Make your Loved Ones Happy
Sweet sayings and cute quotes are not just empty phrases. Rather, they show those around us that we really care about them. There is love, truth and goodwill in them.
They are there solely to bring joy and express your appreciation to your loved ones. Since cute sayings are said so rarely, they are special and the joy is all the greater.
Sayings of this type are suitable for cards and nice messages on a wide variety of occasions: for birthdays, weddings, for the birth of a child or just to make a loved one’s day. For example, you could write your grandma a card with a cute quote just to let her know you were thinking of her.